Satanism: Good Resources?

All this God talk has got me thinking. For years now I’ve considered myself an atheist but from reading all the God posts I’ve begun questioning this. In an effort to explore all bases, I’m developing an interest in Satanism. Not the watered down Satanism of Anton LeVay, but real hardcore worship the Devil kind of stuff. Since this site is open to all religions I thought a good discussion of Satanic resources would be welcome.

Does anyone have some links or titles of books that give a more unbiased view of the Devil? Most of what you read comes from the pro-God fanatics so an unbiased source would be welcome.

Help me in exploring my newly founded faith.


If this is an unusual belief then EVERY religious thread belongs in this category. If it is delusional to believe in the Devil and God…

As far as I know most religious discussion are in this category.

You could try the Key of Solomon — raising demonic or angelic beings.

Missed a couple off the front page.

Yeah the goetia may help you identify things, but there’s the religion aliester Crowley made up named thelema. Nice baphomet photo btw, sorry I was such a downer on vets day buddy.

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he just wrote this thread to prove a point, it was not serious as far as i know

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Oh…shutup you guys I’m still waking up lol…

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I always got a chuckle from the bit that LeVey donated a lot of money to the San Francisco Zoo and homeless shelters and food banks…

He was supposed to be this bad bad man… yet it’s fabled that he did better work then the Christians…

If you want dark figures… maybe there is always Alister Crowley… which I never understood the appeal.

I’m still more drawn to Zen.

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should have seen all the little devils on halloween, that must be like xmas to them lol

Don’t apologize for how you feel. Emotions don’t need justification. It’s all good.


Why baphomet malvok?

He looked Devilish.

Yeah he sure looks a bit mixed up huh? Baphomet was worshiped by the Templar knights and was rumored to be some type of form of Mohammed (Mahomet). I dunno what really happened, they say that baphomet is an androgynous (it) lol.

you wanna worship satan join the catholic church.

“Vatican” means literally “prophet of the serpent”.

And the bibble calls satan the god of this world.

Makes sense now that a demon would own and rule the earth and his prophet would be billionaires who own their own country and the world.

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haha dozen did you do that? :thumbsup:

Isaiah 54:16-17

“See, it is I who created the blacksmith
who fans the coals into flame
and forges a weapon fit for its work.
And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc;
no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the Lord.

Satan is the head of of Interpol, the world police. And he doesn’t give a damn about you.