what are some your guys’ thoughts as to if believing in astrology is something real or merely apart of being caught up in the occult world for astrology?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with believing in anything. So long as it feels comfortable with your soul. Some people dig the occult and it makes them feel good. I say more power to them. Personally when I messed around with that stuff I ended up going nearly nuts. Perhaps it contrasted too sharply with my Judeo-Christian upbringing (I was raised 7th day Adventist) but I now just consider myself a nondemoninational Christian.
I think believing in astrology etc. is a symptom of clutching at straws.
can you elaborate on what you mean by that? not sure i understand
@azteccelt may i ask what rendered you unstable while studying it?
grasping at straws
Fig. to depend on something that is useless; to make a futile attempt at something. John couldn’t answer the teacher’s question. He was just grasping at straws. There I was, grasping at straws, with no one to help me.
alright thanks @Twang
Well I never got too into astrology. But I messed around with some pagan, Mexican, and Crowley magick. All that stuff is very dangerous in my opinion. I think god is still pissed off at me for touching that stuff.
ive done some thelema magick before but i didnt see any danger in it. what is it about magic and pagan rituals that is dangerous i wonder?
I think if you were brought up Christian, it can go against your soul. In the old testament Moses warned the people of Israel against withcraft. But that’s just my opinion. I could always be wrong.
I have lots of friends who are thelemites and they’ve done protective spells for me, I felt great afterwards
i only know one thelemite friend that i dont talk to much anymore he did a LBROTP (lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram) on me once i think is what he said and it was something ive never experienced before ever. but he was into satanism alot and i didnt agree with his alternative agenda for the kindred (ASATRU) and so we stopped working together.
also i dont remember moses warning the israelites of being against witchcraft but i could be wrong too i know he warned them of being against idolatry i think. either way either are probably not good.
September 15 at 6:19 pm i was praying to Yahweh for a special sighting in the sky and received it my prayers were answered and thats why i started learning hebrew i saw a UFO just as i had asked. so i intend to finish my part of the bargain as i told Yahweh i would work on building a relationship with him although in hebrew in the torah i am reading his name is Elohim or Adonai. so its kinda a step or leap.
Yeah that was the big turn off with me for magick. A lot of thelemites overlap into that satanic stuff. Not for me.
I’m happy to hear you’ve discovered the love of Yawheh. He is the most merciful God and he will save your soul through anything.
Yeah astrology is some bull also called pseudoscience. Hardly even pseudo.
I enjoy some astrology. Sometimes it lines up, sometimes it doesn’t.
I feel as long as I don’t make life decisions on it, or have to consult any oracle before I do anything, then it’s probably Ok.
I do know some people who let it control their life… I think it’s their illness that has magnified that one thing. Just like anything… some can leave it… some can’t.
I’m cool with astrology… but conspiracy theory shows… those hit deep and mess me up
I think there is something about “culturally appropriate” or something in there. If you’re in a community that believes in astrology to some degree or is accepting of it then no. From what I know about Wicca, if those beliefs weren’t seen as culturally normal they could get you slung in a hospital real quick. Lots of religions are like that though so I suppose that’s why that’s in there. Religion can be a strange duck.
My theory is that astrology used to be at least somewhat true in as much as Gemini are generally peaceful or something, not as in you will win the lottery today. I think that the food available and other conditions like warmth in different times of year and food scarcity in different seasons influenced the babies in a certain way and people just picked up on it. With the new world where you can get apples in the spring and you can sweat in the middle of winter that no longer applies though and it’s just applicable for conversation and sassy pick up lines.
I hear you on the conspiracy stuff. I used to be really into reading about JFK. Had to put that stuff down.
I think its strange that different religions/beliefs work different in different people. I turned bat s…t crazy over christianity. Its the ultimate evil religion in my book. God is everything and the worshipper is nothing. Just a puny little sinner that is guilty of everything. And that stuff about god knowing everythougt of every creature is also really scary. Nowadays I turned left and I am pretty much a Luciferian. I like the psychology of Luciferianism and Satanism. I dont think religious& astrological beliefs are symtoms. I think if you invent your own religion it probably is. But every belief in a sub-culture is concidered not crazy…
It coincides with magical thinking and wishful thinking.