Sarcosine Reduces Symptoms in Schizophrenia


Let us know how it goes.

Sarcosine research suggests that its helpful with the negative mood and activity symptoms that are common with schizophrenia.

We recommend you print out the research on this page:

and take it to your doctor and discuss it with him/her - and see if they think its appropriate for you.

Nobody here is a doctor so we canā€™t recommend it - we just point you to research that seems to indicate something is helpful, and you need to work with your doctor to decide if its appropriate for you.


So i have been on sarcosine for 2 days now and all I can say itā€™s does work.I feel like i
express myself easier and I can read peaople emotion again.Words coming to my mind faster and I talk a lot more.I feel better after i wake up,more ready to go and now.I still got those racing thoughts tho about everything.

I canā€™t wait to test profrontal and if it will help more.
I am only on 2g/day brainvitaminz sarcosine.


Okay, Iā€™ve decided to jump on the sarcosine wagon. Negative symptoms are causing problems. Iā€™ll post with my testimonial after Iā€™ve tried it. Cheers!


Did anyone experience less tiredness and more clarity, heightened senses and this kind of thing, or was it purely a subjective feeling of better mood?

Iā€™ve turned into a believer in Sarcosine after a couple of months on it. Iā€™m about 30% better at remembering to shower and such on my own when taking it daily. Seem to mentally stack tasks better. Didnā€™t think I was more positive while on it, but now that Iā€™m off (my order is a week late - my fault), Iā€™m noticing the lethargy and negative emotion.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever be back to 100% organized. Suspect Sz involves some sort of minor brain damage. There are parts of me that are gone for good. Just trying to be thankful that Iā€™ve not been hit as hard as others. ā€œThere but for the Grace of Godā€¦ā€ (sigh).

Anyhow, as someone who has tried all kinds of the other supplements out there, I can tell you that none have worked as well or as fast as this one for the Sz, and without any sort of horrible crippling side-effects that are so common with the head meds. The price is even reasonable.



is there any known issue of taking profrontal with both an antipsychotic and an antidepressant?

I donā€™t think there is much in the ways of studies on use of Sarcosine with an antidepressant. There are studies showing that it has an antidepressant effect, which would suggest that you wouldnā€™t need as much of the anti-depressant. I recommend you discuss it with your doctor and point him to the research studies on sarcosine and schizophrenia:

and another study:

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I am going to try this. I didnā€™t like how sick my meds were making me so I quit them, but the negative stuff is getting pretty bad. i hope this helps.

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Today I just took my first 1g of Sarcosine from and think it worked well on controlling my negative symptoms. Usually I would gladly stay in my own room but today I was surprised when I voluntarily chose to take my parents out to swimming at night and hang out the entire time with them without getting bored. :slight_smile: I think I saw some improvements in alertness, attention to detail, more appreciation for how nice the night was (instead of just not caring), and maybe some ability to converse. Not sure if cognitive abilities such as attention span, response to environmental stimuli might be affected. Also not sure if I was just having a decent night due to mood swings. Might try adjusting my dosage but at the moment I donā€™t think I need more than 1g (Iā€™m kind of short).


Hello, Tukey. Honestly, i donā€™t think 1mg taken once would have such a strong effect. I donā€™t know, though.
I started taking sarcosine this week and iā€™m on my third day. Iā€™ve been taking two 1mg doses every day and i honestly havenā€™t felt much yet. Iā€™ll definitely stick to it, though. I know the effects are moderate, but i believe that iā€™ll definitely notice any improvements. Iā€™ll report any effects. Please keep us informed on how you`re doing with sarcosine. Good luck.

Hi, Iā€™ve read, that Sarcosine has a half life of only 1.5 hours. Thatā€™s very short. How come it works?

I havenā€™t read that anywhere - can you share with us the source of that information? (for example a link to that information).

As to ā€œwhy it worksā€ - I recommend you read the research on this page:

For all doses, sarcosine exhibited linear kinetics, with a
Tmax and tĀ½ of ~1Ā½- 2Ā½hr and ~1hr, respectively

Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of
Open Label Sarcosine Added on to Anti-Psychotic
Treatment in Schizophrenia ā€“ Preliminary Study


THanks for pointing us to that paper - very interesting!

I found this hopeful:

ā€œmost clinical studies as well as one meta-analysis, have shown significant effects of these compounds,
particularly on negative symptoms.ā€

I think the short half-life is why some groups recommend a dose in the morning and afternoon.

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I am not a scientist, what does that mean in day to day words :stuck_out_tongue:

This seems like big news to me. If you use Sarcosine for 6 months it seems to reverse the damage to the glutamate system of the brain that is key in memory and cognition.

Here is what it says in regular english:

This is the first study showing that the addition to antipsychotic treatment with sarcosine for 6 months, may reverse the harmful increase in glutamate in the hippocampus that results in memory and cognition problems in schizophrenia

Background: The Glutamate system, the main stimulating system of the brain, plays an important role in the development of schizophrenia. Additionally, the Hippocampus, a structure crucial for memory and cognitive functions and rich in glutamate-oriented neurons. Sarcosine use for 6 months seems to reverse the damage done to the glutamate system during schizophrenia.

more information on the Glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia:

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There is a new poll for Sarcosine users by one of our members @everhopeful - to better get a better idea of peopleā€™s experiences with sarcosine.

Please join in the poll and add your own experiences so we can all get a better idea of how / if this stuff is working for you.

I am in the UK and believe the current exchange rate makes it very good value. Plus, as mentioned it is always better to purchase vitamins from a safe, reliable sourceā€¦