My mom always said when talking about being broke that we could always “eat rice and beans”. I see why. They are relatively cheap food. But the thing is they are relatively healthy food.
I made a huge curtailment on one of my loans this month trying to pay it off faster and I plan on doing that every month until it’s paid off. I can’t keep spending the kind of money I do on my food budget.
Amy’s meals are almost $6 each. The fresh fruits and veggies are fine but the pre-packaged food is too expensive and frankly not good for me even if it is vegetarian. So I’ve decided to replace it with beans and rice. A cheaper, healthier alternative. Higher in fiber, fortified, protein packed.
I can hear my mom’s voice as I make this decision and it’s funny to me. Mother always knows best.
As someone who has done it, Let me just say I recommend not eating beans and rice for more than three meals per week if you don’t want to have massive stomach trouble.
I’m really lucky beans work well with my digestive track. No problems for me. I just don’t know if I could actually eat them everyday taste wise. I mean it would get kind of boring so I’ll have to change it up with other things that are economical. It will be interesting reigning it in after all these months of spending whatever I wanted to though.
The problem is that both rice and beans expand in water. They’ll just keep on expanding. So you eat what you think is a reasonable amount. Your stomach feels full. You’re happy. and THEN you drink a glass of water. And it all expands and has to go somewhere. Either your intestines or your esophagus. So you wind up with either cramps or heartburn. In severe instances, vomiting may occur.
I LOVE beans and rice. I think I could eat them every day. I never noticed any stomach problems from them. I also would add tomatoes and put it all in a blender.