It seems really convinient to me. Im schizoaffective depressive type and something that would tackle mood and hallucinations i only have to take once a month then once every three months would be a godsend. Any user reviews of it? Did your cognition return to normal?
I need the 234mg dose to feel mostly normal. It’s really helped me. When it wears off I can tell. Will probably go to 3 week intervals.
I hear people gain weight on it but I’ve lost 23 pounds so far.
Go up into the search engine and type Invega sustenna.
I’m on Invega Sustenna 234 mg. I’ve lost about eight pounds so far and don’t have any side effects. I love the convenience of not having to remember to take my antipsychotics (although of course I have other meds I need to remember). I get my next shot next Wednesday and I’m looking forward to it. My doctor told me that it’s not uncommon to feel a little worse toward the end of the month just before getting a new shot and I’m definitely noticing that (on top of the stress of going back to work after a hospitalization and two months off).
Its the only med ive ever had to take. I got my complaints like it not being weigt neutral for me and it pretty much took away my alot of my motivation and interest. But my voices are practically gone and racing images have been gone for years now. The only thing i would recommend is to try and eat as healthy as you can and do some sort of exercise with that. You might not have to cause some people are weight neutral on it but i wish my pdoc recommended it to me cause now i need lose like 50 lbs. But its alright though honestly. It can just start off rough
When I had Medicaid I was on it. I felt able to think more clearly and I had enough energy to get things done but not too much energy. I liked Invega.