It has come to my attention recently that a lot of people don’t know about this side effect of antipsychotics. I personally forgot a few days ago, and worked out for 2 hours outdoors. Afterwards, I was nauseous and sick the rest of the night, even after a cool shower. So I wanted to remind everyone that your bodies cannot regulate temperatures as well as others. Stay in the shade, stay hydrated, and if you start to feel too hot, get somewhere with AC or take a cool shower.
you should totally see my chemically altered TAN.
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I was working outside in 35 c heat in July when we had a heatwave
DIdn’t know this could happen
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Thank you, @Ninjastar. That’s good to know.
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There have been times when I was hitch hiking, and I was getting in trouble with the sun and the heat. I thought I had been off the med’s long enough for that not to happen, but I was wrong.
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