Religious schizophrenia: The affects of religion on symptoms explained


Somehow somewhere I feel. Scientific atheist Had a hand in this one. Do you only understand. There are minds need. A mental confusion. In order to process perfect thinking. Therefore I would say. That religion Has brought humanity. Up to its highest degree. And that atheism. As a religion itself.

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i have religious delusions like there is a group of people do sorcery and witchcraft against me!
and lately developed doubts about my current religion and i think its fake!!
now i am convinced that atheism is more logical and makes sense.


Without meds, I’m insanely religious. I like that meds help me be more normal in my approach to religious beliefs and activities


I had the Christ Complex during one of my many episodes.

I’m basically a sh!t joke artist, and the world is so messed up nowadays that it all made sense that Christ would return as me. That was how I rationalized it at the time.

I visited my daughters’ school playground at recess and there were scores of children playing and tittering in the Sun. I saw no other adults around and all of a sudden felt like The Lord…and all of these children were part of my flock.

The idea that I was the second coming of Christ wore off at the hospital with medication. But while I was ‘in it’ it was a Zen-like experience.

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I didn’t read the article but just wanted to point out that it’s a good thing in general. Sz is what’s bad. You can have delusions about anything. If I believe my spaghetti is poisoned does that mean spaghetti is bad and to be avoided? No. Same way when we have religious delusions, the delusions are to be blamed not the subject of the delusions.


I’m just connected to this video,and that is the end of movie “The Messenger:Joan of Arc”…

It helps me stay sane…

Dear @POET ,watch a bit of my "downer’


Great article @everhopeful ,thank you…

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T r i g g e r i n g

Not for me, though.
But the thread will prolly get closed soon.


My dad spoke to me now, he said to clean the floor :angry:

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Nicely done everyone, I’m going to end this on a good note

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