I may have posted about this but I don’t remember.
Have you had religious delusions? Have you ever thought you were a prophet or messiah or anything of the like?
- Yes
- No
I may have posted about this but I don’t remember.
Have you had religious delusions? Have you ever thought you were a prophet or messiah or anything of the like?
I still believe I’m Buddha, Prophet, Shaman, Magician etc.
I had a christ trip. A lot of people have tripped as christ
Kindly asking that people keep the discussion in a recovery context. This is exactly the sort of post that makes all of the moderators break out in a sweat. Thanks for understanding.
I thought I was helping Christ come back to earth…long, long story.
I didn’t think I was a prophet or Messiah, but I did have delusions surrounding religion. I didn’t have these thoughts at all once I was medicated.
I’ve never thought I was God, but I did think I was receiving messages from God to tell people in order to help them
yes, i have, at the time i tried to stop my med with my dr’s blessing but i stepped into a religious delusionary state, Demonic attack, Prophetic, It was intense, i wasn’t sleeping for long periods of time either & i thought I’d die if i went to sleep.
I thought that I was a prophet and I was going to help save millions
I had a dream about being on a bus and not knowing where I was going. I was so frightened. It changed to anger and I yelled in the dream, “You can’t scare me! I’m a God!”
Yes i thought i was Jesus
I thought I was the Jewish messiah. I thought it was my duty to bring peace to the world, end racism/antisemitism, and raise the dead from the ground.
I’m more sane about it now.
Yeah I thought I was a psychic, I did readings for money at one point
I also thought that I was the son to RA, the Sun god.
Thought that I was a prophet, empath and Shaman.
These delusions lasted for decades
I had the opposite I thought they were demons.
This might sound weird but i was glad i didn’t think i was Jesus, I thought i was the reincarnation of another Prophet who was a very good prophet to want to be but at the time i didn’t know much about him, I’m still learning about it now.
I had this book when i was delusionary & i took it into the psych ward with me and i still have it and it was feeding my whole delusionary state, Idk why they let me keep it, there was another book i had that i thought i was communicating with the dead. I think there was something weird about those books tbh
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