Relationship troubles

My fiancee and j got into a little fight earlier. I told her k was feeling down and she basically told me to be more positive and said it didnt seem like I was even trying. I got angry and told her that was invalidating and that I am trying very hard. She ended up threatening suicide and saying how bad of a person she must be for giving me a panic attack. Which made it worse. I dont know what to do. J had to tell her that I cant stay if she continues to refuse getting help…

She needs to get help. Threatening suicide should never be taken lightly, and if she did do it because of the argument then that is not healthy for either of you.

With that being said, ultimatums hardly ever work. It’s not your responsibility, but if you do want her to get help then ask professionals about how to coax her into seeking treatment.

Threats of leaving should also not be taken lightly. If you’re going to leave then rip the band aid off and leave. Threatening to leave does more harm than good to both of you and it never works the way you hope it does.

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Just saw this is a few days old, I hope all is well now!

I think i was setting a boundary really. K was saying j cant keep in the relationship if things dont improve. I was mainly talking about her threats of suicide because I just cnat handle that. You know? I agree it might not work. I’ll have to deal with my ultimatum at some point most likely.

Things are better thanks!!

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