Rejection thread!

For all those who can’t connect with people in their lives.Share your pain here,find support from other users.Be honest about your pain,open your selves.

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The virus thing has actually brought out some good talks with my folks.

Still there are a lot of things that are not ideal here. My bro had a baby (his 3 month birthday is today.) The nanny rested over the weekend and has a sore throat. Which is hard on everyone now.

Personally I have known pain but I’m worried about others who have had more blessed lives. Like a reversion to the mean to say it one way. Poetry can be scary… but I’m definitely overthinking. I’m glad your not so worried there’s things to be said for that.

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For me at times I feel like a loser and I smell.

I tend to ruminate on the thoughts that I’m getting older and wasting away painfully and slowly without any real friends or romantic interests.

I have no money and that is a big problem for me at present in being able to more easily connect.

I backed out of a dating website because I don’t feel like I could be completely honest without scaring people away.

I personally find myself more offended too when some Spiritualists suggest that it’s “just a story” you’re telling yourself.

Well, I can wake up today and feel differently but I don’t wake up feeling any better believing otherwise than what it is.

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OK,I’ll start with my self.I feel rejected all my life,since I remember my self.Nobody wanted me near by,when I was child,never got called for games with others,been teachers pet since I had no one.
Later it progressed in drinking,pills,anger.I handled that after first psychotic episode in my 19 year.
Sometimes in my life I often think how people tortured me with ignorance.

Now I’m alone in 22 square meters,and phone never rings.

Neighbors are slowly becoming to avoid me even to the point of not saying hello.

I’m tired.I can live with all that,since stigma in my country is very “popular”.

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Happened to me recently :expressionless:

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We have an Eastern European bond.

I’ll be your friend.

I heard in St. Petersburg the weather is a common enemy and people affiliate better with one another. It’s in the book ‘The subtle art of not giving an eff’.

Great book I think since you read it would be a page turner for you. I read it for one thing.

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Ok,we are friends. :slightly_smiling_face:

My curtains are down for three days.I walk for food at night,because I can’t look at people faces.

But loneliness doesn’t bring me down any more.All of us are faced with rejection and it affects our emotions deeply.

It’s just that some people have someone to bond,but when it’s over,there comes pain.


I’m so sorry you feel that way. It’s really painful to be rejected. We like having you here though so you’re not rejected by us! You have no reason to be rejected. People might also just be self-absorbed when they don’t say high or talk to you. It happens all the time. I’ve been so lost in thought as a teen that people were yelling my name to say hi and I never heard them. So even if you say hi they may not without it being a true rejection.

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Sounds a little Buddhist about ups and downs or pain too… although I don’t know much on that.

I’m the opposite maybe bc if I have a feeling, I have trouble ‘just having it’. Instead I accent it with chemicals… nicotine, caffeine, and although I’m recovering; alcohol.

What occurs with you with faces though? I have a flat affect and thought about even wearing shades once.

hey zoa im sorry to ehar youre havng a tough time…this site I think will be good for you…its the only real social contact I have in my life

stick round and keep posting!

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Here’s what I managed to find.It’s an article…

Individuals with serious mental illnesses, especially those with psychotic disorders, may be especially prone to loneliness. In particular, individuals with schizophrenia are subject to stigma and have greater clinical (e.g., positive symptoms, negative symptoms, etc.) challenges. In addition, on average, individuals with schizophrenia experience greater socio-environmental (e.g., poverty, low rates of employment, low rates of marriage) difficulties , and are objectively less integrated within their communities although their perceived sense of belonging within the community may not differ from individuals without schizophrenia living in the same community. Recent surveys indicate that self-reported annual rates of loneliness among individuals with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (76 to 80%) are approximately 2.3 times higher than those in the general population (35%) .Highlighting its clinical importance, loneliness has been reported as a significant contributor to worse quality of life in schizophrenia [[16]and individuals with psychotic disorders cite loneliness as one of the most important challenges in their life, second only to financial concerns.


Thank’s @karl ,I sure be here more often. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, loneliness is a problem, especially due to stigma. That’s why I never tell my diagnosis.


You don’t have to.Acceptance of you as person is more important.I’m sure you got good reasons for it.

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