Referendum Blues

i come from a land that sought independence
i came from a land that fought hard
but what did i want?
to be free
isn’t that what we all want?
free from the tyranny of Westminsters
poisoned apple tree
that only bears fruit when they see fit
and what do we get?
not even a pip

seeds grow and fruit but not here
here we get the dregs of an empty bottle
where the people get drunk on fear
fear of the end of an old institution
and a new beginning that promised us hope
hope for the future,
the only hope for the future we can get these days
as it looks bleak
now even bleaker after a no vote
the people spoke
the people spoke

now what can we do?

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Glasgow riots @ George Square. :police_car:

i heard they were burning the saltire

Green Brigade were responsible.

i heard it was the other side lol

Live@ Buchanan Street

pretty scary, here is a news report about it-

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i am moving to scotland soon ,but i am not moving back because of a flag nor my ancestry which is on one side scottish…i am moving for a feeling i had when i was a child, the beautiful landscape, the snow, the rain (we don’t get much here in australia )
freedom dwells deep in your heart
no one can take it from you
they can chain you to a stone but you will always be free.
take care