Are you for or against Scotland becoming independent from the UK in the upcoming referendum

Personally Im in two minds about it. Im from the Republic of Ireland and if Scotland becomes independent its going to cause problems for us in Northern Ireland. Also, A Scottish Republic would cause problems for Ireland as they will compete with us in getting foreign direct investment (foreign companies locating here in the EU).

Scotland will become a direct competitor. We Irish would not like that. But then on the plus side, for an independent Scotland, Id like to see the end to the UK. The UK, the title itself, is so pompous, The United Kingdom, Id wouldn’t mind to see an end to that, but then maybe Im just jealous being irish!! But yeah, for that reason alone Id like to see the end to the title UK, just its damn right pompous!

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Mary Queen of Scots would have wanted an independent Scotland.

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personally i am not into flag waving, nationalism, it is all rubbish, it causes wars…
take care


And William Wallace too!! “FREEEEEEDOMMMMMM”!


You beat me to it… Shyte!

Free Scotland !!!


I don’t want Scotland to vote for independence as that would mean permanent right wing Conservative governments in what remains of the UK, which would be a disaster for the poor and disabled.


Despite what I said above about the UK (its just jealousy!!), I do respect England, Scotland and Wales a lot. I go over there a lot and find the people to be very well disposed to me.

God save the Queen!!

I’d much rather He didn’t. I hope the monarchy collapses.

I’m divided on the issue. I think I would like the UK to fall apart though. But mostly I don’t mind, just as long as I can find a way to live in another country.