Reducing the Depakote dose

Came back from seeing my psychiatrist.
I told her that the fatigue is killing me and I’m basically stuffing my face and living off of my couch.
I told her that I’m barely functioning.

I asked her if I could take less Depakote and see how I manage.
She agreed to reduce my daily dose from 1500mg to 1250mg.
Hey at least it’s something!

She said that if I become manic go back up to 1500mg.

I’m going to be very cautious.


I hope the 1250mgs works out for you and you start feeling more functional.


Thanks @GoldenRex! :slight_smile:


I hope it works out. I want to decrease my risperidone dose cos the side effects are horrific.


Hopefully you’ll manage @Om_Sadasiva.


Is Depakote the culprit for the lethargy do you think?

I wasn’t aware that was a side effect of depakote…

There’s always the possibility she’s making very small adjustments to put your mind at ease…

Though I’m not in her shoes, but as a doctor I’m sure she takes your concerns seriously…

I hope you feel better @Wave, no one deserves to feel like they can’t do anything…

I hope you don’t get manic!

Sending you positive vibes :grin:


Yeah she may have reduced it a bit to shut me up :smile:

Thanks @Anon10!


Depakote is one of the more sedating psych meds out there.
It drains the life right out of you.


It doesn’t sound like you were describing only sedation, but also not being able to do things and get motivated.

It sounds like an intensification of negative symptoms.

Hope it works out for you @Wave.

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Yeah I suffer with lack of motivation and lack of pleasure.
Depakote makes me sedated and lethargic so it doesn’t help my condition.
It seems to be worsening the picture.


Thank you @eighteyedspy23!

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You’re right, sedation can contribute to negative symptoms.

For some the sedation is a benefit, as it calms them and improves psychotic symptoms…

In your case, I think it may lower your productivity…

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Depakote also increases appetite in many cases.

I can’t stop eating!

Stuffing my face all day long!

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Sorry to hear about that, I know what its like, when I take Seroquel I cannot be satisfied with how mich I’ve eaten.

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Hopefully the small reduction will help.
I cannot afford to reduce it more.
She wouldn’t go for it - too risky.

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Well I hope that the reduction helps you!

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Hope the reduction helps! I want to up mine when I go home. I’ll have the space and quiet to change doses and medications without concern at least.


Thanks @Noise and @ZombiePupper!


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