I can remember when I was first diagnosed I knew nothing about recovery. I thought recovery related to recovery from an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Later in life I learned that recovery relates to recovery from a mentla illness too.
Was anybody else enlightened in this way?
Lets all enter into the recovery process and thrive!
There is a saying on the wall of my pdocs office that says, and I’m paraphrasing, “the road to recovery starts with the first step.” I’m in a recovery mode too.
I stop counting the years, the years of onset is a blur. The year of diagnosis during the blur, the years of going on disability and recovery are becoming a blur. All i know is I’m 46 and trying my best to live.
Recovery to me means everything I’ve done and everything I’m doing right now to move towards getting better. All the therapists and psychiatrists I’ve seen and all the programs and support groups I was in and working my job and going to school and taking my medication is all part of my recovery. The result of recovery is living a life.