thats it. let me know what do you think?.
Never had an addiction myself
I went through withdrawal from alcohol when I was 18. The two are apples and oranges. One is physical,the other is mental. Alcohol detox takes about a week, sz lasts a lifetime. I don’t really see ANY parallels between the two.
You can’t always completely recover schiz unless u r lucky
The sneaky brained thinking… the constant work not to fall into old habit… staying away from triggering places and toxic people…
Keeping the dreams in check and most of all
Keeping calm when the mind is turbulent and not acting on the old wants…
Don’t get tempted by the big waves… trying to be the kahuna just to prove your master of your ocean…
Man… back it down and let it pass.
im getting there and guess what? without drugs.
I only have recovery from addiction that included some not-so-real experiences to go by. I think recovery is a process where we keep going and keep learning. I have been free from certain drugs for a long time however if I was to use, today, I would be right back where I was when I stopped. No slowly becoming addicted like the first time around. So I may not be using today however I can’t pretend like I’m not an addict. I’m a recovered addict, in remission, currently not using.
Whatever stage of recovery you are at… Keep going
Here in the states, the health industry lumps together, mental health together with drug and alcohol addiction.
My room mate at the psych ward was a crack addict - there were no rooms available to him upstairs at the drug rehab - so they placed him together with the mentally ill. I dont like it when it is lumped together like this.
I mean a lot of the mentally ill have comorbid addiction problems, but in my view 2 very different issues
What makes you so sure drug addiction isn’t a mental health issue?
It could be - but in my opinion they are usually handled/treated differently - I for one dont have an addiction problem.
They say that there is a lot of depression and/or anxiety when it comes to people seeking out to self medicate.
Not all addicts are going to have an underlying mental illness - but many do.
The treatment plan to treat addiction is a bit different when they dont overlap
I would have to double check but I do believe addiction is in the DSM.
It is Barbie …
No i dont believe so. Are you talking about 12 step programs? I ultimately believe such programs are harmful to people with schiz.
Schizophrenia Anonymous uses a 6 step program based on the 12 step program that AA uses - I had a difficult time with this, so I did not join SZ Anonymous
I didn’t know SZ Anonymous existed. I did start to try and write some steps for SZ recovery awhile back when this topic was being discussed here on the forum. I didn’t get past step 1…
Its Schizophrenics Anonymous - not Schizophrenia Anonymous - sorry about that
in my opinion i think treatment for drug addiction might work for schizophrenia.
I agree. Two different diseases with two different natures.
i am cured…
i still have that delusion still…!?!
stop it dark sith…i’m warning you.
take care people of the world.
There are similarities but nobody did anything to become schizophrenic. It is not a weakness of character. Now I know that nobody sets out to become an addict but there is a conscious decision to take drugs or alcohol and tempt fate. By lumping the two together it gives the appearance that somehow we became schizophrenics through our own actions, which is not the case.