Hey guys, just wanted to share a bit of insight that took me a long time to learn. The process of recovery is possible from sz! Just learn some basic concepts and apply it to your life. I didn’t learn them until my 50s. Why not learn it when you’re in your 20s and have a full productive working life!
Good luck!
To learn these concepts check out the RI international website!.
You didn’t say how one may recover from sz.
Go to the website I suggested! Sadasiva!
Yes! That’s the one! Check it out!
It’s not in Greece. So I will stay not recovered
If you have any questions let me know! I’m a peer support specialist and I was trained at the organization!
You can use the concepts of hope, choice, finding a purpose and the other important concepts of recovery!
Of course recovery is a process. One does not completely recover but one can work and deal with stress. Have you done the Wellness Recovery Action Plan! Check that out too. Very helpful tool!
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