To call any bluff and see the thing through
It’s never enough so I play into a new feedback loop
Get stuck like I do just looking for truth
When my mind, it changes
Every situation while I sit and wait on heaven
No good explanation for the way
I brush it aside
Don’t make it light
Just enough rhyme to tell another story
I’m supposed to discount everything that happened when i was high, but this one is kind of hard. This song was syncing up to everything i was doing. I don’t know. It just felt extremely weird, like it wasn’t just being performed live, but i was the one performing it. I heard the jerry garcia say that live music was the only kind of music there is. I’m just struggling to get over the experience. It was kind of traumatic. It felt like i was making the song up. I’m revisiting the songs i played on that trip right now. Maybe you guys can help me make sense of what i heard
No joke this song scares the ■■■■ out of me. Like frightens me to my core. So i was in my room about to run away because of this album and this song starts playing. I was pacing in my dirty room and it said something about pacing in my cluttered room. I was like wtf. Then it saw me grab my shoes and get ready to run and it was like “it seems you’re catching onto me”. And as i was leaving it said “where do we go from here?” . Idk man. This is like a live recording of what was going on in my room at the time. It’s scary
@Om_Sadasiva this is the closest i’ve come to seeing the matrix for what it is. It’s like an actual intelligence
That’s wild man. You’re making a lot of connections that aren’t specifically feasible. I think I remember you talking about using cbd to treat your schizophrenia. I’d talk to a doctor man.
It’s just a song. It’s you that gives it meaning to you. I think your giving it way more meaning than it should be…almost in the ideas/frames of reference level…
It just doesn’t work. I am not paranoid about certain things, but this sent a chill down my spine when i heard it again and brought me right back into psychosis. Like right now the playlist i’m listening to is telling me to go and live on the road. It’s crazy.
You assume that actually happened. What if it isn’t a real band. Check this song out. For a while during my psychosis last year i was into an artist named killah priest. Then i found this song
All I got out of that is it is probably the worst “song” (if you can call it that) I’ve had the misfortune to listen to in my life. It had zero special meaning to me.