What do you play? I’m looking for new fun games on Steam
I have The Forest; it lags on ultra settings, but low is fine. Think I have an rtx 3050.
I got bored of it though. Would be more fun multiplayer with friends. I think Markiplier did a series with it last year.
I am considering downloading Half Life and HL2. Absolute classics that paved the way for FPS games.
I’ll probably be 100 years old by the time Valve finally releases HL3 XD
i have an iphone and i dont know about self steem but maybe fun increases self steem so the game is called real racer. after you install it, open configurations and choose the mode break on left and accelerator and right and your cell is the handle. it is a lot of fun. you turn your cell to turn the car, you can brake and accelerate and do maneuvers. when i am doing nothing i run once or twice.
Halo infinite is pretty fun. I used to play a lot of team fortress 2 as well.
- OctoDad is fun and hilarious. Basically, this octopus guy is married to a human woman and they have 2 human kids… But they don’t know that he’s an octopus. Nobody does. He has to blend in as a human in the most hilarious circumstances and situations.
- Goat Simulator is also fun and hilarious. Pretty straightforward. You play a goat and just wreak havoc on society.
- Lost Ark is pretty fun. It’s a multiplayer online action role-playing game. Feels like middle ages but with plagues that cause weird monsters and such. Similar gameplay to Diablo 3.
- Life is Strange is an adventure game. But you play the story in episodes. And every action you take causes a butterfly effect. Meaning, if you do X then Y will happen. But you never know how it’ll play out. You can reverse time and choose a different route, but once you get past a certain point, you can’t go back that far anymore. It’s one of my favorite games.
- Horizon: Zero Dawn is pretty fun. It’s an action adventure game. You play a young woman who is trying to be accepted by a certain tribe. Not sure if it’s really a tribe… Can’t think of a better description. She is an outcast.
- Ori and the Blind Forest is one of my favorite games. It’s a an action platform game, so kinda 2D. But the story is beautiful and exciting and the artwork is just incredible. Also, the soundtrack is amazing. Really great game.
- Borderlands is an action role-playing first-person looter shooter game. It’s super fun. The game style and artwork makes it just so extra amazing.
- Portal is a really fun puzzle game. You have a portal gun that has a blue portal and a red portal. You can go through the blue and come out of the red, and vise/versa. You have to solve levels, figuring out how to get the level exit door to open.
That’s all I can think of right now.
Capcom Arcade Stadium
Mortal Kombat 11? Or Counter Strike?
They made a new HL called Alyx but its VR only.
titanfall 2. the northstar client makes it fun to play as it brings back multiplayer servers that were broken by discontinued support and bugs. its under $5 on sale.
if u dont like fps and are more into single player games id recommend witcher 3 wild hunt, borderlands 3, or days gone, they can all can be bought keys for under $15 on cheapdigitaldownload.
also path of exile, and destiny 2 are both free and fun
Stardew Valley!
I also like Project Zomboid. I play Halo Infinite on Xbox but would on Steam if I had a decent PC.
Skyrim and Fallout 4 are great too!
Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Mount and Blade Warband (with mods especially)
Baldur’s Gate 3
Shogun 2: Total War
A few of different genres and specifications just in case.
Oh and
Jagged Alliance: Back in Action with the mods
I think this one may be right up your alley but um… it has not been released yet.
And this one is super fun! (Once you get the hang of it)
There’s this one maybe to be released
This one will be less graphic intensive
This one has a hype train
This one for the phone and free
And this is a fun recently updated gps rpg
Knock yourself out little Yoshi
I just completed half life Alyx on a meta quest 2. Ground breaking immersive experience. I will always play VR from now on…. Check out also Star Wars squadrons VR
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