Really loww

wow, i am so sorry

Iā€™m sorry @spiderpig, I donā€™t know why someone would do a thing like that.

I am sorry hun :frowning: hope you are okayā€¦ donā€™t stress and try to sleep =(

What a crappy thing for him to do at a time like this, hope your family can help you through this.

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He wasnā€™t considerate and respectful enough to at least face you and tell you in person? Maybe itā€™s just me, but breaking up by text is the easy way out and disrespectful.


You should see if there is some way you could make legal stipulations that he helps pay for the babyā€™s care. Youā€™re right. What he has done is really loww.

What a punk! Thatā€™s the lamest thing Iā€™ve ever heard ā€¦ if he behaves like this and has shown his true colours, then you and your son are way better off without him. But that doesnā€™t help right now. So right now, I offer you my support and know that Iā€™m thinking of you xoxo

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I was reading this and a rainbow appeared. Itā€™s for u

Itā€™s at a factory though hahaha excuse mess


Thank you so much everyone for your support, Iā€™m just really gutted and low. Think I need some time to think and chill :disappointed::disappointed:


Well we are here whenever you need us.


This make you smile??


His folly. From what Iā€™ve seen of your posts you are a warm hearted and really good looking person! He made a mistake I think! You will find someone better


Man heā€™s a coward - he should have spoken to you face-to-face. Thatā€™s the decent thing to do. Iā€™m really sorry about thisā€¦ You must feel like your world has been turned upside down, but sometimes life does this unfortunatelyā€¦ Life has a strange way of sorting things out though as well so stay strong and get support from those around you, including this forum :slight_smile: Try to focus on how much happiness your baby boy is going to bring you!

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I am sorry for you but in a way I can get him.
Having a family is a heavy responsibility and perhaps he felt he is not that kind of person,
or he felt it was too much pressure for him.

Desertion is a deal breaker. Let him go is what I think.


So you saying its fine to just run. that is the greatest thing that can happen in life whether u want it or not.

How can u just leave someone. wtf

He Sounds like a retard.

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He should of thought of that before getting me pregnant. I never would of guessed that he would do this to me. But yeah

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My dad ran away and i hate him. seen him twice. i know hes the most craziest person ive seen and never want to see him again.

Do you have to play as a devilish advocate in every single damned thread!!?!!??

I mean this one itā€™s less so devils advocate but the girls obviously in a vulnerable time she doesnā€™t need anything but our utmost supportā€¦

thatā€™s as far as your former partner is concerned @spiderpig.
I think that if you want a pratner, it is never too late to find one, especially as you are young.
The partner doesnā€™t have to be a biological parent of the child.
I personally donā€™t like the idea of having a family but I think many people do want to raise a child,
and you can find a partner, male or female, and perhaps more than one partner, to raise the child with you
and perhaps even have more children , if you so wish.
I hope I managed to cheer you up a bit :smile: