Me and @POET made a song together check it out!
Ayyyyy! I hope y’all like this one!
@lekkerhondje @labratmat @anon63380492 @anon31960475 @Dude1 @el_Jimbobbio
Check check it out!
Z absolutely slayed on the guitar and bass
The whole instrumental and arrangement was him
It’s lovely. Thankyou for sharing dat. I especially like the lyrics and singer voice, is that you singing @POET?
Thanks dude couldnt have done it without you! You have a great voice and adding the harder guitar section was your call haha wouldnt have bothered otherwise
@Zoe yeah he sang and wrote the lyrics!
Thanks so much @Zoe the singing was me indeed! Appreciate the love!
Great song fellas
@POET @zwolfgang
Thanks a lot dude!!
wow…you guys are going to be famous.
That’s really good. You guys are very talented.
That’s so nice. It’s really soothing and beautiful.
Ayyyy thank you so much jukebox! You’re a real gent
Thanks sooo much @anon8411913 your compliment means a lot to me z especially worked really hard on this one. He put in many hours so we appreciate you listening
Thanks @Moonbeam !
I like it! Good job guys!
Good song, Love it
song is awesome =D i think it’s prob you guys’ best work.
Sounds dope guys ! @POET @zwolfgang
Ayyyyy thanks so much leks that’s really kind of you to say