Check this out! I sent a rock instrumental to @POET and he mastered it and added a Linkin Park acapella to it and it sounds awesome!
great work Z !!
Wow!!! Really cool!
Great job @zwolfgang and @POET!
It sounds really good @zwolfgang @POET .
Thanks @Moonbeam
Added some color to my day thank you
Im glad @FreeLunch ! Happy you liked it
Awesome both of you guys!
It’s has that @POET dark vibe to it
Thanks @dreamer54 !
Yeah @POET really brought this to life with his mastering skills! I gotta learn how its done
lol thanks dude but this one was all Z! i just put a mastering plugin on it thats all and found the vocals… z really has some skills on the guitar!
Was a great master tho. The acapella was a great choice btw it sounds so hard
I think we both killed it!
thanks bro! i was going through some accapellas on a site called looperman but i couldnt really find one so i decided to try youtube for some rock accapellas and this one just fit well
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