Really emotional day

I had to give my kitten away to the animal shelter…all the money has to cover RooRoo’s vet bill this payday and it’s time for the kitten’s shots and we just couldn’t afford it…plus I just broke down and bought a pack of cigs and Angie is threatining to move out when she gets a job…sad today.


I’m sorry your going through such a rough time @jukebox.
I hope things get better for you soon.


thanks dear friend…she is on the phone right now and that’s not a good sign…she has her door shut and is not speaking to me…

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I’m sorry you not having such a good day.

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oh man that all sucks really bad. I hope everything gets better real soon. (((hugs)))


Why is she so upset and angry?

Is it because she wants to keep the little. Or that vet visit …?

Wishing you well and that you guys will get through this .

And be in kindness and peace to each other.

As such.:two_hearts::pray:t3:

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Sorry to hear all of that.

Its just a bad/sad day,

Focus up all your energy on tomorrow being better.


@SacredNeigh7 money problems big time is what is bothering her…I don’t blame her but she is constantly telling me she has had enough and each time it breaks my heart…I don’t know what she is going to do now and I want to talk to her but she won’t have it when she shuts herself up like this.

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I’m sorry to hear that, I hope your relationship will improve with her, and that you will get through this.


Very sorry to hear this @jukebox. Cyberhugs.


Oh no! I’m sorry. :frowning: Bad days are always something I dread. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day for you!

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I’m so sorry :disappointed:

That pack of cigarettes isn’t going to take ur problems away though. These problems will all be there after you smoke that cigarette…

I really feel for you though right now, I don’t mean to sound harsh in any way.


I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday. Crying and eating a lot. At least I’m Ieating tapioca, which is healthy.

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Angie finally opened up and calmed me down…she just wants me to be away and off from my vices while we are so poor…so we are back together again…sorry for the emotional posts.


I’m sorry. That’s very stressful. And I’m sorry for you, too, @DelusionalSoldier. I hope you can find some peace to get you through the hard times.


Things will get better, it’s just a bad day. Tomorrow will be way better, please try to take a look at the bright side.

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Thank you, @Ninjastar! I just watched the last Power Rangers movie and, despite the movie being kind like a crap, I enjoyed it. Lol!


Glad you worked things out. Yeah it’s hard when you have no coin to drink or smoke. Hang in there and keep working! You’ll get there!

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Glad things are a little better for the two of you, @jukebox and @DelusionalSoldier. I hope both of you can work things out and feel okay in the days to come.

That sounds like a power rangers movie!