Ready to go for a walk!

I got two new exercise shirts on sale from Kohl’s! They were originally $25 each, but I got them for $7.50 on clearance. I also got a pair of exercise pants for half off. The clothes aren’t any special colors, but my walking shoes are just plain awesome! I am ready to start walking and lose some of this weight I’ve put on. We’ll see if diet and exercise works when diet alone hasn’t. Here is a pic of my shoes:



Yo I have to wait till like noon. Terrible weather this morning but clearing up all the way later.

Cool shoes they look comfy

Love to walk. Do it Every day. Preferably in a forest or near a lake. Really need to get me a dog.

Yeah. Its kinda dangerous to walk alone in a secluded place

Definitely try for that dog! I wouldn’t want to walk without mine even though she barks at everyone and goes nuts when she sees other dogs. I think I’ll bring along treats to distract her. String cheese usually does the trick. Just tiny pieces.

@anon97118089 Yes, the shoes are very comfy!

Those are some pretty snazzy shoes! I hope your walk goes well. I got on the treadmill earlier, started to walk and couldn’t make myself do it. I usually walk every day so i don’t know what’s up. Maybe i’ll walk later today.

Nice shoes enjoi your walking session

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