Reading books is hard

When I read, I lose the trail, and I got to reread the paragraph and then read it again. It has always been like this, since childhood. Some stock trading books I have been reading are pretty involved, and I read like 5-10 pages in the whole day, I lose motivation when I lose track too often, I have to exert myself mentally too hard in order to get the task of reading done. And, how hard it is to initiate when I have to exert myself mentally.

Anyone else feel this way? I am pretty sure I have ADHD.


I can’t read books anymore but I can listen to audiobooks. Maybe try that.


Same. I lose the trail, if someone speaks for a long period. I think it is ADHD.


I find that the subject matter has a significant impact on my attention span and reading speed.


I can only read a book when I’m very engaged in the content and like the writing style.

I only read 1 book fully this year so far and 1 halfway.


I can’t read at all…I tried for years…now I listen to audio books.


I couldn’t read either. It is really bad I feel like I’m losing my mental acuity

Lately though I’ve been having to read technical stuff for TEFL and I’ve been getting through it. It’s partially video but there is a good amount of reading. I skim it sometimes though.


The ability to read had been gone for many years.

I just recently started enjoying books again.

The trick was to choose shorter books on topics that attract me.

In the past 2 months I read two romance novels, one biblical fiction, three semi-biographic stories and a personal development book.

Reading speed isn’t the same. Depends on writing style, topic, font size and how well rested I am.


I’m a good reader, but am slow. I have problems starting and finishing 1 book at a time currently…

I tend to read a lot depending on my mood. I may read too much in fact haha lol.


you described me to a t.

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I read a 2 or 3 pages a day. Takes a long time to get through a book.


I read about 100 words per minute. I can read like 30 min or an hour at a time, I guess. I can read an average book in a few days to a week.

I heard the average WPM for a healthy adult is around 200-300 WPM.


Hmm, maybe before schizophrenia and prodromal, I could read 200-300 WPM I don’t know…I can only guess…I think that’s how many words are on one page in the average book.

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Have you read kite runner… that’s the last book I read, very well written!


I’ve heard about the book. It’s a pretty famous one. But I haven’t read it as I only read non-fiction books.

It’s been many years since I’ve read a fiction book. I think 10+ years.


Another one I read, which was fictional was painted man… that was good, can count on one hand the books I’ve read in the time after finishing school


Some fiction books that I liked are ‘The Alchemist’ from Paulo Coelho. It’s a philosophical book, excellently written and quiet short. So perfect if you don’t like reading long books.

The funniest fiction book I remember is Air Babylon. It’s a funny take on the airline industry. It’s a good read if you like some laughs.
And have some dark humor.

So far for the recommendations.

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Hmm I’ve heard about the alchemist, this sort of reminds me of war and peace about how popular it is. But I couldn’t stand the way war and peace was written, sort of like Shakespeare edit: complicated to read


When I was admitted to the psychiatric hospital they prescribed Haldol. I remember that I couldn’t finish a page of a book, I read very slowly.

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Smells like teen spirit, just got the song on I tunes lol

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