Racial issues in europe?

Does the EU have severe problems with racial problems like the USA?

Some yeah. We don’t feel it much in portugal, I guess there are tougher countries

Currently in the EU we’re watching the syrian refugee crisis and people are showing more their racist side. It’s sad really


Do you think the EU will be able to survive the barrage of crises that has been inflicted upon it over the last decade?

Lol. Idk, they are talking about federalism and whatnot, I think it can go in a multiple of ways. Economicaly, probably survives and, on the contrary to popular belief the refugees help the economy. In my honest opinion, this economic crisis is all a big charade to save banks. Banks are being saved by the trillion as countries are bankrupt, it’s a crisis alright but a moral one.

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Have you visited many of the major cities in North Africa, such as Tangier, Algiers,Tunis or Tripoli?

No I haven’t. I’ve been to marocco, Casablanca and Agadir only. Why?

I was curious if you considered these places worthwhile to visit? Or do you think they’re too conservative or dangerous to be fun?

I would love to visit. Not sure if I’m corageous enough to go alone though

We have racial problems but not like in the US. It’s a long time since slavery was common in Europe, not quite so long ago in the US. (But Europeans were just as much to blame as Americans for slavery in the US.)


Some African American friends I used to work with really loved visiting Europe! They said they were treated like celebrities! The UK and Germany were their favorite countries!

I can imagine it was a nice break from being treated like criminals in the USA.

Is it just African Americans that are popular in north west EU or also Africans from the motherland?

I think that there is a small minority of people who are racists in Europe, unfortunately they are in news when something bad happens. I feel that these people are uneducated and do not have any international background. When I was in America I did not experience much racism but America has its own problems with undocumented aliens. When I lived in my auto in America and I drove around I was sad to see that the whole families lived in some vans.


How were these cities? And how is the culture in Morocco generally? I’ve read that a significant amount of the filming of Game of Thrones was completed in Morocco and Croatia.

Do you think that this refugee crisis will put fuels on the flames of the nationalist movements growing across Europe?

refugee …


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Casablanca is really neat, clean and modern. A beautiful city.
Agadir is poor and only has markets, a sad city in my opinion.

I do not know, actually this refugee crisis may integrate Europe more when there are high level meetings of the EU dealing with the problem. I feel it all will turn out to be a positive experience, but this does not solve the bigger problem that is in Syria and Iraq.

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Europeans and near/middle eastern countries must be pissed at the USA now for invading Iraq and leaving such a mess.

I think that after all the recent terrorist attacks Europeans are more positive of the US now than before. At least I don’t hear much criticism of the US and our involvement in the same wars anymore.

I think that it was good that Saddam Hussein was removed, many European nations were a part of the Western Coalition, but this problem has become more serious when new groups such as the ISIS have risen from the civil war of Syria.

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