Quitting your addictions

I’m clean from weed and cocaine for 22 months now. I was an heavy addict for all of high school and my early 20’s. I still drink alcohol not really much of a problem for me.

But I will say meditation and family and friends support help me quit the other stuff


I’ll tell you this when I’m sober. I had 50 days. Better to advise when I’m clean.

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I hope day 1 went well.

I’m glad you have support great job. :grin:

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You can do it gene.

Day 6. It’s getting easier. What feels the best is not having this compulsion and not being able to control it. And now controlling it. :grin:
I’m not going to say my addictions. One I will. It’s soda. But the other two I don’t want too. I feel shame with the other two. :grin:

thank you for saying this
why do more people not agree with you ?about the weed p.o.v

3rd day vegan and low sugar

12 yrs 11 months off cigarettes

oct 24/2018 Alcohol again

1996 all other recreational drugs except for a small flurry in psychosis age 30

wondering if coffee and tea are high carbon footprint (looking that up now)

The carbon footprint of a cup of tea or coffee:

21g CO2e: black tea or coffee, boiling only the water you need
53g CO2e: white tea or coffee, boiling only the water you need
71g CO2e: white tea or coffee, boiling double the water you need
235g CO2e: a large cappuccino
340g CO2e: a large latte

buying new things other than health related or food 28/04/2019 there will be noticeable changes in how i work with whatever i do really need

This last is one of my most major addictions for 35 yrs buying the latest most lavish stuff i could not afford because of debt

Al anon principles 8 weeks

all 12 steps

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i’m working on the other two first though. soda is last on the list. :slight_smile: Although really it is a addiction for me.

I’m going to call it. I’m close enough to Day 7 of my addiction free.

i’m adding a 4th developing addiction which is the internet.

I don’t think I’m strong enough to quit smoking and cutting back on sugar. Thankfully I’m allergic to alcohol so those days are done. I have cut back to 6 cigs a day.


Day 7 almost thru. I haven’t been tempted really. I put some controls in place where I can’t really do it. Or to do it would be a pain. I might be more tempted though in certain situations.

The other two are really bad too. Soda I probably drink 100 ounces a day. And the other one i feel a lot of shame with.

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Is it hard to limit the cigarettes instead of quit all together. Or slowly decreasing works best?

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I have found not focussing on quitting but just having a few less is much less stressful.

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I’m on day 10 now. I think i had added a few days in there by accident. I feel like i’m getting stronger the longer i go. I’ve been tempted a few times. I’m going to a support group now too.

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I haven’t had weed or alcohol in 15 years. I do vape nicotine though, but I figure it’s the safest way to use nicotine and it’s cognitive benefits. I don’t miss alcohol.


that’s really good Pamito. Going 10 days encourages me. :slight_smile:

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I have quit all my addictions, but the hardest one I am working on: food. I count calories and pay very close attention to my diet and food cravings and am working very hard to overcome the desire to eat for pleasure. It’s very difficult. More difficult than anything else I’ve overcome. But, I am determined and have been doing very well at getting it under control. It’s just continuing to do it day in and day out that is the hard part, like overcoming any other addiction.


food is hard. have you tried an OA meeting. you could do a phone one or in person?

My main food issues is sugar/soda. food is a hard one. food and compulsivity was my first disorder i think. good job on all the other addictions. if you hallucinate do you go back to any addictions? how do you not?


Food is a hard one for sure. I just don’t miss the other addictions. I don’t think about them that much anymore. I like who am without them. If I do get urges or cravings for old addictions I remind myself that I’m a much healthier person for it. It’s allowed me to enjoy things again and clean my mind from a lot of bad stuff.