Quitting your addictions

right now i’m very shaky on quitting. anytime even someone mentions it i want to do it or have to talk myself out of it. especially if i feel a negative emotion. I’m on day 11 by tomorrow. even today i made plans and thought about doing it…:frowning:

it seems to be getting a little easier though.

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I’ve cut back and don’t get sick when I skip days now.

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do a lot of you attend support groups still for your drug and alcohol addictions? even if it’s been years since you used it?

I believe it’s because they have to justify their substance abuse.

You can’t do something and not defend the practice because it would violate your conscious, and therefore you would be a hypocrite.

I believe it’s also psychologically damaging if you believe you shouldn’t do something and still do it. It simply doesn’t align well with your psyche (spirit).

Ive quit quitting at the moment just coffee and ciggerettes to go but the time dosent seem right.

Yeah i understand that. You have to be emotionally ready or either that or forced into it. i know a few people who quit when a doctor told them they had too.

I’ve quit all sorts of things, drugs, coffee, smoking, meat, porn, etc… The one thing that I use to accomplish this is I ask myself what kind of person I want to be when I go out of this world. Do I want to be someone who just let addictions (which are essentially life-stealing problems in many cases) run their life, or do I want to go out as the best version of myself. Once you’ve decided that, it’s a matter of just making a decision and sticking to it. People say “one day at a time”, and all that, and that’s somewhat true, but what worked for me was focusing far in the future where I want to be, rather than where I currently was. Many of the things that we do that are addictions are just ways of making ourselves feel good quickly. Once you see that pattern I find it’s also easier to replace bad things with good things that make you feel good. Lastly, you can do it.


Thank you Chordy that was very helpful. your right very much!

Did you ever try quitting more than one addiction at the same time?

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I generally do one thing at a time unless the thing I am quitting is something simple like a personal behavior or something I just have to remember. The tough stuff I do one at a time so it’s not an overload emotionally. More importantly though, everyone has their own pace, and I recommend doing what works for you. Glad if anything I said helped. :slight_smile: Also, I think Chordy is the admin around here lol Our names are similar though.

Thanks Chorus. Sorry about the name. I knew it was a different name than chordy but i typed it wrong when i wrote it. :slight_smile:

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Day 16 addiction free. Support group tonight. I still think about doing it daily.

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Day 17.

I can’t post a lot. It’s just better for me if I don’t. I come and read though. And will still post. I just can’t do it too often. :grin:

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In terms of substances I’m addicted to nicotine, caffeine amongst other things. But I use them in moderation to help my negative symptoms.

In terms of activities I’m addicted to writing and going for walks, but it’s beneficial for my health.

I guess my only true bad addiction is the internet, but I learn new stuff on there all the time.

Are we addicted to something if it helps us?

no only if it has negative side effects is it an addiction or a compulsion where you have a hard time controlling it.

moderation is okay i think. :slight_smile:

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My addiction is sugar. And I simply can’t cut it out entirely. I crawl the walls without it. I can cut down however. I’m going to go from five cookies a day down to two a day. That is doable.

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