Quitting the vape

I smoked for quite some time since twelve years old. I started the shift over to vaing a couple of years ago although i still occasionally got cigarettes once every few weeks. This morning ive made the change to use nicotine mouth spray and toothpicks. In my opinion, vaping seems the lesser of two evils when it comes to cigarettes. But i think its time to try to get off nicotine for good within the next month or so. My lungs need to heal. Not to mention all the other possible health issues that can come of it. I just desperately want to get over having to rely on a drug every hour of every day to keep my cool.
Anyone quit ciggies, vaping or noctine before? Its the one thing i havent been able to kick.



I likes my smokes and coffee. I figure the crap I’m being injected with every 3 weeks will destroy me in pretty short order anyways…so I’m living it to the max in the short time I feel I have left.

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Yes. Ex-Chain indoor smoker. Also vaped before fully quitting.


I quit 7 years ago. I had been smoking over50 years. I’m so glad I’m not addicted anymore.
I quit gradually. It worked the best for me/


@Kxev how did it go?
@Patrick its not dying young im afraid of. Its the things that happen to a lot of smokers. Like needing an oxygen tank to breathe for the rest of your life or getting a hole in your neck. I would find it hard to deal with that. Im not saying quit, this is just how i feel.
@PinCushion nice man! Thats a long time!


Vaping was the gateway to quitting. I don’t think i could have from actual cigarettes.

It went easier with controlling tapering off the nicotine concentration in the vape.


Yeah best thing I ever did was give up the smokes. I too loved it as only a true addict could. I think breaking up butts to get more tabacco because I couldn’t afford it was a trigger for me. I was paying oodles of money to slowly kill myself and really didn’t get that much out of it…which I found later.

Good luck. It really is a worthwhile thing to do and over in Oz they are so gawdamn expensive that some of my rich friends are even giving up.


@rogueone i know ay! The price here is insane.

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Same 15 characters

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Im addicted to nicotine. I chew tobacco non stop. No plans on quitting either

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It may take multiple attempts to quit but don’t give up. It will be worth it to be free of that addiction. I know with vape you can slowly lower down the nicotine strength until you finally quit completely. That may help with some of the withdrawal symptoms.

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George Harrison died from lung cancer.
David Bowie died from liver cancer and smoked.
Kurt Vonnegut chained smoked and drank every day and died from falling in the kitchen.

You have an ultimatum to quit.

I quit in1992. I realized after I quit I had been in great pain for the entire time from the smoke.

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