Quetiapine frustrations

I’m so sick of quetiapine.
I’m tired all. The. Time! :sob:

I’m trying to keep on top of chores and hygiene and worn, but it’s harder when I’m constantly fatigued.

I’m also staying active so my body won’t get in an energy rut.

Is this really all there is to it? “You don’t have kickass insurance, so eff off and take the bad meds”?
Is this life now?


@Pikasaur I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer but that was 100% my experience on Seroquel as well. To make matters worse, it wasn’t even that effective at controlling my symptoms.

I’m really sorry that your insurance won’t cover something better :frowning:

You know, we hear in the news all the time about how wonderful and left-wing Europe is, but nothing you’ve ever said has given me that impression

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Apparently the cost goes up with stronger drugs as you age. But apparently that is just inflation to my sister so salary goes up as well apparently.

In Denmark they have an arrangement where you get a huge discount on meds after spending x amount, and doctors are free.

But for the past two years I’ve lived in Greece and now Latvia, and they don’t have that luxury


That’s the worst part, I have to take Risperdal on top of it to keep from going off the rails, and I hate that even more.
It gives me rashes and makes me numb, physically and emotionally

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Risperdal made me lactate :sweat_smile:

Im one of the few that Quetiapine suits. It does make you tired, but i take the large dose at night, so it dont bother me.

I have 50mg i can take PRN for psychotic anxiety during the day, but its not often i do that.


Usually this means you’re allergic to it. Call your pdoc and get off it and onto a different cheaper drug. I’m on Haldol. It’s not bad. It makes me tired but it’s nothing like risperdol or seroquel for me


I don’t like seroquel… made me tired … i fell a few times while on it like I’d be walking and just drop, once I fell in the middle of the road… and it made me faint twice.after I fainted the first time I quit it cold tu rkey… told the doctor I didn’t want to take it anymore and he said it wasn’t the seroquel that made me faint… then I had a bad breakup and he put me back on it even though I told him I didn’t want to be on it then I fainted again a few days after being on it.the second time I fractured my jaw. In the hospital they were trying to make me take it … I told them I no longer want to take it… he prescribed zoloft, risperidone and trihexyphenadil.i didn’t want to take them… had my first episode then had no choice but to take them…the trihexyphenadil causes blurred vision…

So you were on antipsychotics before your first episode?

I’m sorry. I really grew to hate quietapine. It makes it very difficult to live a life. I used to sleep for 15 hours a night and even with alarms there was no waking me.

idk abotu where you live but where i live the generic (non brand) version of abilify is only $50. the branded version is $500. so its litteraly 10 times cheaper…companies are the worst

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I had major depressive disorder and anxiety… he put me on all sorts of things…

I know this is a day old, but Seroquel was awful for me. It’s the only AP I’ve ever had that made me hallucinate more. Plus I got so hungry, and felt like a zombie most of the day. I’m sure it works for some people but never was a good fit for me.