Questioning diagnosis

I’m thinking I am very very psychotic bipolar. My doctor even told me that once and said “aka schizoaffective”. But I have other issues… ocd, ptsd, drug addiction and alcoholism in the past. That could’ve blurred the lines. Between sza and bp. I realize now having a “lesser” diagnosis doesn’t minimize my pain and struggling. I think it just makes sense I’m bipolar now that I’m stable. And it proves to me that sz is a genetic disorder. Because no matter how many hallucinogens and weed I smoke and do, I didn’t cross the line into sza. Still bipolar… my original diagnosis was sza. Then bipolar. Back to sza. Then sz. Then sza again. Sza followed me the most. But now I am very stable it makes sense to be bipolar. I will ask my pdoc Again about it. Might just tell him my life story. Talk about my fantasy world in high school and say “what was that?? My bipolar? Ptsd? Huh?” Thnx


My current diagnosis is anxiety and depression, I thought that I may have the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, but that can only be diagnosed by a psychiatrist.
I don’t really care what my diagnosis is as long as I am on the best medication.


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