Question which probably was asked a numerous times

If you’re off meds, when you start feeling worse? In a day, in a week, or maybe in a month?:slight_smile:

Share your experience.


don’t stop your meds…you will cause brain damage from psychosis and you could lose everything…please go on your ap meds again . ask your pdoc.

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Why you think I went off my meds? I am on meds.
Overall my pdoc wants to stop my meds in few years. It’s a bit annoying what you wrote here. :slight_smile:

Plus, I want to add, not all of us here have pure SZ. My case is probably drug induced psychosis. Though it happened few days after enormous dose of amphetamine. And I am a bit tired of explaining it again and again… @jukebox

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well I’m sorry, I assumed you stopped your meds…I didn’t mean to annoy you…even if your psychosis was drug induced you might be still sz.


Honestly, my pdoc thinks that there’s a very small possibility of me experiencing psychosis again. Bigger possibility is to be sane for me…

Ofc, the game would change if I would be start using drugs again. Then, who knows…


I think it’s different for everyone. I’ve heard of people relapsing from anywhere from a week to two years after stopping meds. It may depend on the medication too, I really don’t know but maybe people relapse faster from going off certain medications than others.

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I have been taking my meds for over 30 years. If I don’t take them I notice I become psychotic in 24 hours. I become more anxious and intense. I have went two days at the longest.


I’m the same. Two days and I’m stuffed


Thanks for answering. @Dude1 @Pamito :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Same here takes about 2 days til I start noticing it but maybe a month or two til Im completely cooked.

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I’ve been off APs for a month now. And lithium. And I’m doing Ok. I have voices I can speak to if I want to, but that’s the only symptom.

I go about my day normally.

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When i went off quetiapine about 6 years ago it took about 5 days to go into deep psychosis. First, the insomnia started. After 3 days with no sleep i began hearing doctors in the walls talking about me. I became afraid to leave the apartment and wouldn’t even take my dog out to go to the bathroom. At 4 days i quit answering my phone cuz i thought the police were monitoring me with the doctors. At 5 days i thought i was dying cuz the doctors in the wall were talking about watching me die…lucky for me i called 911. I don’t know where it would’ve gone if i hadn’t gotten help and back on meds. So, yeah…


About 1 -3 months for me


Took about a year.

I stopped the meds in January and by December I was back in the hospital.

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Depends on the med I could go a month when I was on abilify and it was when it was working olanzapine it was less than a week same with haldol

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I got tense over time and then had psychotic episode 10 months after stopping med.


I’ve never gone off my meds voluntarily, but I remember a time when I couldn’t take Seroquel for about 5 days due to a physical medical condition. I did start to feel worse (insomnia, anxiety), but it’s likely that I was in withdrawal.

Back in the 80s, the doctors told me that benzos didn’t cause physical (and psychological) dependence, but it’s now common knowledge that they do. Same for APs, according to my current doctor.

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One year for me

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I quit taking all my psych meds sometime in 2016 after being on them and diagnosed SZ since 2015. I ended up back in the psych ward. I don’t remember how long it took to end up back in the psych ward, like maybe a month or a few months. I think the same thing happened in 2017 too.

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My doc thought there was a very small possibility of me ever functioning again. Docs can be very, very wrong. Make sure you have a support network in place if you go off meds. Odds are they will notice there is a problem long before you do.