Question about food safety

We have Nathan’s hot dogs that we opened last Thursday. So today is day 7 of them being opened in the fridge. The internet says they’re good for up to 7 days. Would you eat them or chuck them since it’s the last day???


Hot dogs?

I’d eat them.

Those things already have a ton of preservatives and stuff.

I feel like that’s a real safe bet.

If it were just meat, I’d feel differently.


Ok. Thanks @Charles_Foster

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Make sure you xook them to 165f inside. Of you dont have a meat thermometer, just make sure they get steaming hot.

I also tell everyone to buy a meat thermometer. Theyre cheap and youll always know if things are done.


Pretty sure it’s safe @LilyoftheValley

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Good idea. I have one but didn’t think of that. Thanks

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Lol dude those thing would probably last two weeks. Is it worth it to risk it for 2$ worth of hotdogs tho? Probably not. Best case you win some hotdogs, worst case a 1000$ trip to the e.r. so

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No proble.! Hope they turn out well.

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Thanks @anon4362788. They were good. We had them Coney Island hot dog style. Yum!


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