Purposely Repressing Memories

We’ve talked a lot today about sz/sza and memory. But, have you ever purposely repressed memories?

I had a very traumatic life. About 12 years ago, I decided to be done with hurtful memories. But somehow I’ve darn near locked off access to a lot of my life now.

It is very hard to bring back some memories and impossible in others. It doesn’t help that the sza affects newer memories now.

But, I upset someone badly because I cannot access a very traumatic moment from 23 years ago. They cannot understand how it’s just gone when it was a life changing event…

I told my therapist today tht we have no idea during life changing events that they ARE that important at the time. She agreed.

Anyone else ever repress stuff on purpose?


How are you doing this? Could you please explain?

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I don’t know. I read carefully what you wrote.
I keep my memories, day by day I find something new, bad or good, mostly bad, bc I am that kind of person.
I intentionally didn’t go to cbt or sth like that, and it’s sometimes hard to bare with burden.
Sorry if I missed the point.

Sorry to hear that. I’ve had a lonely life half my life and would rather forget the past focus on the future. Not much trauma.

Any time I had a bad memory pop up,I would just go “nope” and force myself to think of something else. Changing positions physically helps interrupt the thoughts. I did this constantly until they stopped surfacing.

The problem is it worked TOO good. I literally cannot remember huge chunks of my life.


My life is not that memorable

Ive had trauma but i try not to think about it now

I remember lots of unpleasant things , situations and lots of good things

Maybe its a good thing not thinking about unpleasant things
I wouldn’t worry

I pointed out it has caused a problem, so I do need to worry about it.


Oh i see ok

Sorry but i would think your therapist would be helpful. Im feeling pretty crap tonight

Yeah, I use to forget everything about past trauma…

When you try to open that door again it´s hard tho.

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I think you need to learn to handle your thoughts, don’t run from them. Perhaps talk to a therapist?

I had some past traumas. I used to dwell on them, and I became depressed. That’s because I let my past define me.

Things happen in life for some, it wasn’t my fault! Although I felt shame, and do so still to some degree. But I have worked through that shame. I accept them. I accept my fate.

When I got psychotic I lost my memory, that was a new trauma for me. I still don’t remember how to cook good food as I used to. I cook simple foods these days.

I don’t remember anything from when I was prodromal. 5 of my years is lost! This was back from when I was in school. I can’t calculate nor do maths! My dream is to go back to school! But it seems impossible, especially if I can’t recall how to think.

Sometimes we as humans are helpless to circumstances, especially if something was done to us. I know you are a strong person @anon4362788. You will figure things out. Things will get back to you. And you have the right to be angry! We all do around here!

I had a lot of repressed memories and they all came back to me during my first episode.


During hypnosis i had things flood back

I try to repress, but I have some sort of weird flashback experiences and the intrusive thoughts constantly wind me up about things

did you keep a diary or journal from back then?

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