Psychosis is a full time job!

This illness is really a full- time job. It preoccupies my mind. It has consumed everything from me.

Everyday I struggle and I try to snap out of it. But nothing changes. Voices, paranoia, anxiety etc. It’s there!

I don’t have delusions anymore though.

I wish I could focus on other things. I wish I could control my thoughts but I can’t. This beast has a life on its own.


Yea, i took a break from talking to people for a while. Seemed to help. I remember thinking I enjoy the silence . Without outside interference I am in complete control of my mind

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Sounds like it’s horrible for you.

I hope it will go away and that you will feel better and be able to enjoy life more.

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Thank you @SacredNeigh7!

Hopefully the voices will go away. It’s what’s bothering me the most.

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My voices went away.

I went years without voices.

Then I got a tiny bit back but can’t compare to the torture that was back in da days n is not such a big deal.

Things can definitely get better.


you are not alone.we all suffer just like you :frowning:


Yes, that’s what I’m hoping for. Thank you for the encouraging words!

Yeah, I know. I’m not trying to be egocentric. But sometimes I get tired and it’s all gloom.


It’s one job I wouldn’t mind getting fired from.


It’s like a full time job for me too, tryna make sure i’m not relapsing, but if i told anyone that - they wouldn’t believe it


It does feel like a job sometimes.

I hope you can find some motivation and energy.


It feels like a life sentence lots of times.

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I like your profile pic. Led zep one of my fav bands.

And yea its possessing the whole life this illness. There is no escaping any of the symptoms though medicated and gone for any therapy. But we can find some good in lot of bad that is happening. Even 1 % happiness among 99 % sadness or depression is worth living for I guess. Just take one moment at a time and see what best we can do to overcome it. I dropped the idea of having beautiful life with loads of happiness and instead living for small happiness and small wins.

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It truly is like a full time job. I struggle with it and it seems like an effort to do anything else other than deal with schizophrenia.


Good job I get paid for it

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nods in agreement

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I paid for my illness. It gave me no constant job and security. Have to work my ass off.

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That’s near enough what my care coordinator come depot nurse said when I mentioned feeling like I was bad because I’d never had a paid job.


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