Anyone hear this before? I think I first heard this about 25 years ago and it’s kind of an insult to the patient.
Psychiatrists are professionals, they have excellent techniques and guidance for ones’ problems. Friends can’t do that, nor can they prescribe drugs.
Mine is free
They aren’t friends to begin with.
Yeah that is insulting to the patient,two of the ones that I saw were strictly professional almost like robots and one was just a jerk.
There are many idiots out there who firmly believe all “soft” sciences and their “followers” deserve to be ridiculed. Especially when it comes to psychiatry and psychology. Actually I don’t think they’re idiots… they are adult children throwing tantrums at any mention of things they don’t understand.
I would think of my psychologist as a paid friend but not my psychiatrist. I didn’t feel it was insulting to me to think of him that way because I knew I really really needed a friend at that time, someone I could trust.
I can say this about my therapist but not really about my psychiatrist.
Most psychiatrists are professionals, they prescribe heavy duty drugs - medications.
Even my therapist is a professional, I don’t consider her a friend.
I have heard that… It doesn’t seem to play out that way…
It was probably said by a person who has never been to one.
My pdoc (a 3rd year med student) is my mortal enemy. I hate her. I’ve tried switching pdocs at the clinic, but was told everyone else’s “caseload is too big.” She is atrocious. Her idea for dealing with anger is to “read a book.” Who the hell reads a book when they’re angry?! A drone, to be sure. I have no rapport with her, and I’ve been closing myself off from her. I can’t STAND her!
I agree that the field of medicine has wayyyyyy too much money at stake.
I love my therapist. I wish we were friends. She’s awesome and has picked me up when I needed a ride from the hospital and given me gas money if I was broke and needed to come see her. Maybe she’s not supposed to do those things for a patient, but she cares for me and knows I’ve been dealt some poopy cards in the past couple years.
My previous therapist was absolutely a paid friend.
A paid friend that wasn’t able to drop any of my secrets to anyone else.
I know that I don’t need either a psychiatrist or medication, but I maintain both so that I insure myself disability income. I know how to take care of my brain & body, being a former athlete.
I’m quite confident my SZ began as a result of abusing a cheap, piece of crass anti-estrogen supplement to begin with. My estrogen got too low and that’s when the pain, confusion, & harassment started in the brain.
Is that why I don’t talk to my psychiatrist when I have the chance? Is that the thing I don’t understand enough to be able to move past?
An idiots comment! It should read " a therapist is just a paid friend " and that is a key!
Psychiatrists are under the pump and over worked in todays society. Most therapists are looking for work and will take you just so they can make a budget. Never met a worthwhile one but I’m a schizophrenic!
Seriously. I get 15 minutes tops with my psychiatrist. He knows me. Been seeing him since 1993 and he’s seen me and talked to me in the depths of psychosis and depression! He engages me in conversation and I’m usually out of his office in 5 to 10 minutes…talk about cricket. Talk about how your engaging with the community…sign off on the pills and your out!
I know people who find therapy revealing. I know people who’ve visited a bad psydoc…and I grieve for them…get a good psydoc and you hang on!
A friend in the struggle,
Psychologists maybe. Psychiatrists no way!
My psychiatrist may be a paid friend but I don’t pay her. My co-pay is zero now.
mine is free .
take care