Psychiatrist Appointment So Far Away

I took my paperwork back to the new psychiatrist’s office, but the soonest appointment is in Sept. They put me on the cancellation list, but I don’t think I can make it that long. I can’t hospitalize myself because I live in the USA and can’t afford the ridiculously high hospital bills.

Try looking into getting a psych nurse practitioner as a therapist. They can provide therapy and medication and honestly I think that is the most ideal scenario. I see mine every week and if I need meds or dosage adjusted we discuss it then. Much much simpler and more convenient then struggling to get an appt with a psychiatrist in several months and then dealing with med adjustments on your own before your next appt another several months away.


That is difficult to believe that a doctor would take on a client whom he couldn’t see for months and months. Someone isn’t serious.

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It can be a 6 month waiting period here as well at times, MY regular doc will prescribe meds if I’m out and not seeing a P doc


Or is more focused on turning a profit than actually helping people so has taken way more patients then they actually have time for :unamused:

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Thank you for the replies. I think I’ll go visit my primary care doctor and ask for a prescription for Latuda. My mom and sister are on Latuda, for SZA and bipolar 1 with psychosis, and it helps them. I don’t have any psychotic disorder diagnosed, myself, but I sure feel psychotic, so maybe I can just try the med and see if it helps? Is that bad to do?

It’s not just America, I’m on month 5 since psychosis, here in the UK. I’ve been assessed by 7 different people, but no psychiatrist yet.

I did get to go on a group course for DBT which was useful - and there might be support groups near you too? Sometimes charities run them

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I’m sorry you’re dealing with that, @Bee3. :worried: I’ll have to visit my regular doc again and ask what to do. I already told him a couple of weeks ago that I feel like I’m starting to relapse again, so he’s aware that my mind is unwell. I don’t feel like my thoughts are my own again and it is getting increasingly worse as the weeks pass. I’m constantly thinking about suicide, too, which is very scary.

If you know you’re starting to experience the same thing as your family members, then choosing the drug that worked for them is likely a good choice for you. (There are studies that show if one family member benefits from a med it is likely the other will get the same benefits)

However still make an effort to see a psychiatrist or other mental health professional afterwards to get a full examination/diagnosis as obviously a normal doc will not be able to do that.

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Latuda is really expensive if you don’t have insurance. You might want to try something that has a generic.

September is too long to wait. Find another doctor.

Yes, good advice. Thank you. :green_heart::yellow_heart:
I’m taking high doses of fish oil lately to avoid a break from reality, but I’m extremely scared that it’s not helping.

Unfortunately there are zero other psychiatrists on my insurance who are accepting patients right now. I have no other choice.

Sometimes it is the fear that pushes people over the edge. Find ways to reduce stress and you will have a better chance of making it through.

I’ve been googling lots of psychology and psychiatry stuff for myself and trying to self-treat that way. It really helps a lot to have someone to confide in, so perhaps a friend or family member, or even a pet (if they are a good listener) might be able to ‘be there’ for you.


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Fish oil won’t stop a psychotic break unfortunately else we’d all be on it instead of antipsychotics. I’d actually suggest getting plenty of sleep if you can and reducing stress in your environment as much as possible instead.

Also just warning you medication may not start working right away, it takes time, so don’t lose hope if you’re not magically better by day 1. Good luck, you can make it through this!! :revolving_hearts:

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@Bee3: That’s very good advice. I’ve tried confiding in family members, but I can’t bring myself to disclose the full truth of what is going on with my mind. I don’t even completely understand it, honestly. The main thing that I understand is that my thoughts aren’t my own. I tried asking for advice on how to tell if things are real or not… like is there a way to “test” reality to see if you’re hallucinating or having delusions? How will I know?

I’ll try talking to my cats. I’ve talked to them before, briefly, about mental stuff when in crisis. Animals are the best of friends.

Thank you for caring. :purple_heart:

@Anna: That’s true. I just need help sooner rather than later. A year and a half ago I had a really bad period where I couldn’t leave my house some days. I would be so scared that I could only stare down at my bed - I couldn’t look at the walls or anything around me, I’m not sure why. I was just so scared to look at anything, fearing I would see something upsetting. I’d move my arm to grab something and I’d feel like I wasn’t really doing it and that I wasn’t connected to my body and mind. I don’t ever want to get to that point again, or worse.

Thank you for your concern and your helpful words. I really appreciate it. I feel a little better about the possible future. Now I have somewhat of a plan in the meantime as I wait to see the psychiatrist.

Much love. :green_heart:

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