Appointment tomorrow. I’m so glad and happy. Maybe he can help me ignore people. I wonder if I could take abilify too. Idk. Anyone else have an appointment tomorrow or closer?
I don’t have a psychiatrist since 8 Jan. My family Dr renews my psychiatric meds.
I have a phone appointment in… May !
So quite a long way away yet.
Good luck with your appointment.
Next week, phone appointment.
Glad you’re talking to your doctor.
I took an apt with my family Dr 27 April to ask him to prescribe me Ritalin to improve my negative and cognitive symptoms.
I cancelled my therapist. Didnt get good vibes first 15 min with her. It was supposed to be today. Im low income and hard to deal with. Covid made it difficult. Im doing better with just a psychiatrist. I just wish appointments were longer. Everything is super impersonal these days. Not giving ‘free money’ away anymore. They gotta earn it.
i have an appointment with my pdoc in june… still a while away
I have phone appointments monthly. No cash or ride to go in.
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