PsychCentral - Those With Adderall Euphoria Less Likely to Develop ADHD, Schizophrenia

People with a genetic variant that results in euphoria-like feelings after taking d-amphetamine (the active ingredient in Adderall) have a reduced risk for developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia, according to scientists from the University of Chicago.

The findings, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, add to the long-standing evidence that dopamine — the neurotransmitter responsible for the euphoric feeling of amphetamine — is related to schizophrenia and ADHD.

I’m somewhat confused. Isn’t Adderall primarily prescribed to treat ADHD? And why would the person be on it in the first place?

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This is a bit confusing. I’m trying to apply what little I know to this. When my brother took Adderall, for a while it didn’t make him euphoric, he got serious and sort of mellow and analytical.

Looking back at some of the old journals of med reactions that my parents kept, when the Adderall seemed to amp up his hyperactivity instead of calm it, he was a almost three months before he got diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder. My parents noted that the brain chemistry had to be changing and that was why it wasn’t working anymore.

I remember he gave me one when I was younger. Those few days were a very fun blur. Maybe it’s how this specific drug hit’s the switch? For him, being ADHD it leveled him out and made him focused. For me not being ADHD it put me over the top hyper until I just passed out.

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When my son was in the first grade, he had a little problem with settling in. He would get his work done, but then turn around and talk to everyone else. His teacher told me to try giving him coffee-with a lot of milk. She said it might calm him down a little. It has the opposite affect on anyone that might have some hyperactivity going on. Cant say that it always worked. Some days it worked-other days it didnt. He was never diagnosed with adhd. We just thought–hyperactive!