Does anyone else have a mean psychiatrist? Ever since I met mine, he’s been nothing but rude. He clinches his fist when I don’t answer his question the way he wants it, and rolls his eyes when I tell him my symptoms. I’m already paranoid as it is, this just makes me more scared to go see him. There is another psychiatrist next to him, but he doesn’t take my insurance. How do I deal?
Find another psychiatrist.
I want to but I can’t afford to go out of town.
And those two are the only psychiatrists available?
That’s right. Some have said the same on his reviews. Since I need my meds I was wondering how to cope with this. I don’t see him for that long as he always seems to want me out the door as quick as I come in. But I still come out feeling bad from the encounter.
You need another psych. He sounds like a horrible person.
I will try to work something out about seeing someone out of town. But in the mean time, what can I do?
You can try to call him out on his ■■■■ that’s what I would probably do. But idk if that would really help you. Tbh he sounds a lot like my abuser that’s why I really think you gotta find somebody new I know you say the only others are out of town but this guy sounds really bad.
I’m gonna take someone in with me and see what he does and if he does it then I will call him out then. Wish me luck! If he acts surprised I can always say my voices made me do it…lol
Thank you everybody for your replies. I appreciate it.
Have you thought about asking for a therapist who doesn’t have the credentials of a psychiatrist but who is better at therapy? Maybe a therapist with a masters? It seems to me that a lot of psychiatrists begin with the assumption that their patients are deluded, and most of what their clients say lacks validity. I’ve grown leery of psychotherapy anyway. What good does it do to dig up all this garbage from your past?
Take someone in with you for support if you can. It may alter his behaviour. He sounds like a bully.
I wish you the best of luck. I wish I knew a better way to help. But you got this!
Best of luck buddy…!!! Hope u find solution soon…!!!
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