Problem with my son

So my cell phone signal is bad where I live and Sam’s stepmom and dad know this. Anyway stepmom left a voicemail Sunday for me to call her about Sam. I didn’t even see that she’d sent a voicemail until yesterday (Tuesday). Now I’ve called them both several times and am getting no response. There’s only one room in my house where my phone works.

My son has behavioral problems


Be patient @Loke

Sometimes phones voicemails are glitchy

I’m sure you’ll hear soon enough that he’s fine and it was just a question of some sort.

Sorry that technology let you down

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Maybe change to a phone network with better coverage?

So in what way does your son behave strangely?

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Well he’s spit on his stepmom I think she said. He has angry outbursts and tries to pick fights with adults. He’s been diagnosed with autism.

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I’m sorry. Is his speech level normal for his age? Sometimes people who fail to verbally express their feelings and thoughts become violent…

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Yes. He speaks fine now. He did have speech problems when he was younger but he worked with a speech therapist and he’s fine now.

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I know nothing about autism, I wish I could give you more useful advice…

Maybe getting him into sports so he could use that physical energy in a healthier way…

Have you seen the movie “The Accountant” with Ben Affleck?

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No I haven’t seen it

It’s about a bright autistic child whose dad was in the military and taught his son to properly defend himself, and later a prison mate taught him how to behave in social settings. It’s an action movie, mostly (I’ve left out the main story on purpose) but also a bit psychological.

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Idk what it is but I don’t like Ben Affleck for some reason


I haven’t liked him since the second I saw him.

He has an undeserved Oscar and a most punchable face.

And it also speaks to his character that he’s badmouthing his ex-wife and their relationship while getting back with an ex.

He sucks.


Jennifer Gardner is a nice person it seems.

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She could be a total ■■■■■.

I don’t know.

But regardless, he shouldn’t be bashing the mother of his children.

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This I agree with.

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Oops, sorry to have brought him up. I know nothing about his personal life, I thought he played well in The Accountant.

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No. It’s ok. Don’t worry about that. I was just explaining why I don’t watch a lot of movies with Ben Affleck in them.

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I thought this was @Juliesftw mother thread lol


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