Probably the worst movie ive seen in my life

The Wolf of Wall Street

No direction

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yea I haven’t seen it. I saw 007 last week, love the guy. It was ok. mission impossible was better. actually i should go out tonight also :o)


The Visit was absolutely horrible. The kids in it were so annoying I wanted to reach into the screen and punch them. I also hated that the bad guys in the movie were schizophrenics and that the only reason they did what they did was because they were schizophrenics.


I’m going to see the martian at the movies this week. Have any of you seen it?

one of my friends saw it, says its very nice.

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I love DiCaprio, I loved Wolf of Wall Street it is so perfectly directed movie, but if you judge movies by the morality they mis/represent, you’ll certainly get many times disappointed.

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I was recommending this before, but if anyone want a good movie with intensely and fairly represented mental illness, check out ‘Take shelter’.

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I’ve seen wolf , martian and bond , bond was OK , Craig is a great bond , they’ve reverted to type though , very little character development , wolf is long , OTT but entertaining , the martian , just a smashing movie.

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