My book stipend still hasn’t come in. I called the bank and the customer service rep. said I have no incoming deposits.
I am not even motivated to go back to school anyway. I wasn’t even that excited about it.
Idk. I am a little depressed about the whole thing.
I can’t tell if my lack of motivation and enthusiasm is from the illness or meds.
October 15, 2017, 12:40am
I quit college in september. I owe the school money but i felt i had to get help.i was falling apart. Montezuma,theres no shame in quitting school for now. If youre overwhelmed i understand.
I took a medical leave from college last week. I only went for a month. This illness takes a lot from you.
@catsrcool what subject were you studying?
@roxanna thank you. I’m just feeling overwhelmed by everything.
@Wave thank you. I’ll be ok. I just need to figure out what I really want to do with my life.
I was doing liberal arts. Don’t even know what I would like to do for a career.
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Yeah it’s really hard to decide on a career.
I keep going back and forth between welding and computers.
October 15, 2017, 1:01am
Just a heads up, you can go through a lot of classes with no books. I remember a few semesters I did not have money for books. I still managed to pass all my classes. With that said, I would definitely recommend buying the books if possible.
I understand if you don’t really want to do the classes and this is giving you an out,
But if you do want to take these classes,
Make some calls.
Or, just wait for the stipend to come in,
I’ve started a lot of classes without books, sometimes never got proper books.
The option to drop the classes without any financial repercussions will still be there for a couple weeks,
You could start the class and just see how you feel about it.
Thank you Tomasina, you take care also.
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