Got a doctor’s visit coming up here in a couple days… these are two of the items I want to discuss with him.
I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with products like these?
Head & Shoulders just don’t cut it…
It be easier to not have to apply additional steps to my hygienic process… Swapping out the shampoo and body was for things that solve a couple of my issues seems ideal…
Any recommendations or name drops for products I should be aware of?
Gee, I had terrible acne as an adolescent. And in those days one talked to a shrink for an hour at a time, and when I was in the mental hospital, three times a week.
My shrink got his MD in the Navy, so he had dealt with a lot of young men’s skin, and when I brought my issue to his attention, he got some stuff that did the job! Specifically he got a wash that in three weeks time cleared my entire complexion. (At the same time, I also stopped picking the spots.)
I’ve googled dandruff. It seemed there is nothing that does a job on dandruff, but you can wear clothing that hides it rather than accentuates it. If you hear otherwise, let me know!
yeah always had problems with dandruff myself. head and shoulders did absolutely nothing to it. i once had long hair, so long it covered my ears. looked pretty good (my hair becomes curly when it grows long) but it was a real pain to shower daily with head & shoulders and other medical shampoos to minimize the dandruff. it didnt help much anyway. it was getting so bad that i started getting sores on my head. so i made the decision to cut it all off and only go around with a 0.5 centimeter haircut. and it worked wonders! now i dont have any dandruff at all.
Selsun Blue did wonders for my dandruff, but it smelled awful. Now I use Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. I don’t know if it made my dandruff go away or if I just grew out of it.
There are some prescription shampoos out there. I might have to see a specialist who can determine what is causing my dandruff specifically.
It can be fungal and has some various other causes… depending on what the cause is would determine which medicinal shampoos to use.
I don’t know if a general physician would have too much info on that.
In short though the dead cells aren’t getting keratinized properly… my guess is due to the surface area of the hair leading to the natural oils getting spread to thin… so the scalp’s surface layers remain flaky.
Oddly enough though… I use lotrimin on for my beard dandruff and it clears it up for a number of days…
so I may have the fungally induced kind… which might mean that if treated it’ll go away…
They do say that with the script shampoos… you don’t use them regularly, but only when the condition returns… so its a pretty conservative way to keep it under control. It also gives me the option of using whatever other shampoos I’d like to use in between treatments… better scent and what not…
I use Cetaphil body wash for my face and body acne. I still get a few spots when I’m on my period, but washing twice a day in the summer and once a day in the winter keeps most of it at bay. Stress makes it worse too. I have pretty tame acne though, compared to my sister.
Typically once a week… just got some new ones at the beginning of the month…
though I do need another set that is intended to cover the height of the whole bed… as my airbed is double tall or what ever… the original set only covers a portion which doesn’t fit to well…
My dermatologist just recommended head and shoulders Relax for Men. it has menthol in it along with other anti-dandruff stuff. Its way better than their other products. its stopped my itching and the sores on my head have healed in 2 weeks of using it. Not just for men, not sure why thats on the bottle. And I use Cetaphil for my acne along with frequent bedding changes like 2x a week.