Preparing for discharge from services

Hi all,

My community psychiatric nurse has said we’re working towards discharge, now it’s a hell of a shock considering the hell hole I was in this time last year, but they can’t hang on to you forever here (I live in the UK). After 8 years under the severe mental illness teams,seeing someone every two weeks, my parents are incredibly proud. I’m worried, I have come a long way, it’s like I woke up and self-management took over, everything is still there, I still have delusions, I’m paranoid most of the time and my voices are there but they just tend to narrate my thoughts and actions, only when I’m stressed, tired or in public, do they turn into the absolute bastards I know they are.

I’m scared because I know how far I can fall, I’m terrified of last year’s scenario, where I lost insight and wouldn’t listen to anyone about alternative beliefs, It was so dark and so frightening that I made a significant suicide attempt and nearly wound up admitted again. It’s still incredibly raw for me, but now I have much further to fall and I’m still very isolated and there’s the prospect of me moving out in the next few years (at least I hope so, I don’t want to be a drain on my mum) I hope by then I have a circle of friends who will notice I’m acting odd but most of the time, when I’m unwell, I just hide, last year I barely left the house for three months, it scares me, no-one may be there to notice.

Also, I won’t be being monitored by a psychiatrist, so I have to know my GP fairly well but I don’t trust them with my meds really.

I may never get that bad again but I’m just trying to think how I will notice the warning signs, I dip and lose insight so quickly, does anyone have any ideas on this? I don’t know where to begin really.

So this is a shoutout to all who have been preparing for discharge, what were the first steps you took towards working with relapse prevention?

Any ideas welcome,
Hope you’re all keeping on,
Take care,

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I’m not preparing for discharge but I just wanted to wish you well.

Aw thank you @anon84763962 ! That means the world!

I hope the rest of your week allows you to cope as best as you can!
Take care,

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i’ve been discharged for a while now and it is easier as you go along, what i did was i tried not to think about it and just concentrated on what to say at the psychiatrist appointment, i also used the duty nurse if i had to see someone and the out of hours phone number if it was late.

good luck btw :slight_smile:

Get a ‘relapse plan’ in place. Find out who to call and what hours you can call them. Figure out what to do before you have a relapse, not while you’re having one. Then give a copy of that plan to your parents and doctors.