Prenatal drug abuse

Anyone’s mothers use drugs while pregnant with you?

My mother did, LSD, cocaine, marijuana.

I’m sorry to hear that…

My wife never drank, smoked or even had a coffee during her pregnancy…nor my own mother.

However I think you’ve turned out great, samples32, despite the hand you were dealt.


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I have two friends who smoked through their pregnancy, I really hate when people do something so ignorant. One of her kids has asthma. She doesn’t cook or clean, her kid also has iron deficiency. I don’t know how people think. My mother was healthy when she was pregnant with me, she developed schizophrenia when I was eight, she was in her thirties and I went through psychosis right after I turned 23. We figured out that mental illness is in the family. But no one else has it, just my mom and me. I’m sorry to hear that about you. I still think of having kids of my own but I probably shouldn’t.

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Well thank you, I am feeling pensive today, kind of wondering how many different factors played into my psychosis.

I am going to say that having children was a wonderful step in my life.


I am sorry that this happened to you @samples32
You turned out to be a Wonderful person!

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I am really not upset that this happened. It’s just another thing to add to the list of things that could have been factors into my illness. I didn’t mean to garner sympathy, I just wanted to know how many others had similar experiences.

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sometimes I don’t have enough motivation to wash the dishes, caring for a child properly is a huge responsibility. I can’t take care of myself sometimes, I don’t know how I’m gonna take care of another human. I don’t know if I have emotional capacity to care and love. My sister tells me this changes when you have your own :o)

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Some days I don’t want to move, but, with children, I do move, without them, I slept.

I’m not saying this to convince you to go have children, wait until you are ready (or not), but, try not to let your illness be your reason for not having them.

I personally, always desired children, but, I had no idea that having them would cause me to feel so much passion for something.

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Yeah and once they’re born. It’d be nonstop for about 20 years.


It’s a good nonstop though. My children engage my mind. My children are also VERY well behaved.


Not so much Mum’s but Dad’s past. He was a Vietnam vet. So a very big question mark on some of the chemicals he was exposed to.

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I’m just growing older and I’m at the age of making big life decisions, buying a house, settling down. Having kids is one of the next steps I have to seriously consider before I turn 30 but I would be devastated if my kid develops a mental illness like me. That’s the main reason that hesitates me.

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It devastates me more to think of my child never being born. With them being alive, their potential is limitless. Who knows, maybe my daughter will get my illness, maybe she will cure it, maybe she will get my illness and still become a productive member of society. She will do what she decides to do. People overcome challenges every day and grow stronger, others wallow in it. I am not going to regret having my children because of the decisions they make. I will however, do my best to teach them how to make the best decisions.


Remember ladies, if it’s a choice between lsd or cocaine and having a child then just take the cocaine.

Can’t drink while pregnant? Don’t get pregnant, it’s a no brainer.

Yes. Some smoking involved, not the illegal type, though. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a contributing factor.

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@samples32 May I ask you what medications you were on during your pregnancy? These meds cause serious birth defects.

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I didn’t seek medical help for my illness until after my pregnancies.

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wow. I was hoping you’d have a different answer. I don’t know, I become dysfunctional without meds. Other than psychosis, I also can not function and do daily chores.

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Oh no. Once they’re born they’re there till you die. If they die first their memory haunts you.

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