Hi, this is kind of personal for me, but ever since I got on Seroquel Xr sometime in summer 2016 I have had issues with cumming too early. I’m a 21 year old guy who is not in a relationship, but I do tend to practice by myself. When I was younger and unmedicated I could really get into it and enjoy the process, I used to last anywhere from 20-30 mins. Now it is always a 30 second - 5 minute thing. It kind of worries me, because I feel like I might be unable to satisfy my wife in the future. I think it has something to do with the medications effects on serotonin, I get aroused normally, I just can’t enjoy the process and get into it as it is all over in under five minutes. It also takes longer to get turned on again after I have “finished”. I used to be able to go again five minutes after finishing once.
For other guys, have you dealt with this issue from medication? Am I just getting older, maybe the issue has no connection to the medication, maybe I’m just permanently messed up.
This is a new one for me.
I’m on Risperidone and I have the opposite problem.
It takes forever and it is limited (retrograde)
In other words ejaculation is minimum and instead of moving outward it is released inwards.
This is pretty common with Risperidone.
The problem went away when I stopped or switched meds.
Having sex with a woman or partner is going to slow down how fast you get off dude. there’s foreplay and stuff and maybe you might get off too fast a couple of times with a woman in the future, but good lovin’ takes practice. don’t fret. I can get myself off within a few minutes if I’m watching porno. but I last a lot longer when there is Angela involved. it’s a different mind set.
I had the same issue on Risperidone, it took a good 60 minutes for me. And a lot of the time there was retrograde ejaculation. Getting an erection was also a much slower process, but once I had it it was good.
Thanks for the advice, I put trigger warning in the title. Unfortunately I have never been in a relationship with sexual contact due to my religious beliefs as well as just generally being asocial. Hopefully in the future, I mean I’ve seen much less attractive people than me in relationships so its not impossible.
I wish I could finish pulling the goalie in 5 mins damn. It takes me like 10 to 15 mins sometimes it takes so long I am no longer erect and just give up and I feel very angry when that happens
Ah yes I remember I used to last 1-4 hours. Now if I can even keep it up it doesn’t last that long either. But in case you’re wondering risperidone is bad for that kind of thing. Really good in the other stuff it does but bad at that.
Might be a case of Pavlov’s dogs if your aware of that story.
Pavlov called the dogs’ anticipatory salivation “psychic secretion.” Putting these informal observations to an experimental test, Pavlov presented a stimulus (e.g. the sound of a metronome) and then gave the dog food; after a few repetitions, the dogs started to salivate in response to the stimulus. All a case of conditioning yourself