Any med or supplement that had help someone of you in ‘‘poverty of thought and speech’’ ??
Any response is accepted
Any med or supplement that had help someone of you in ‘‘poverty of thought and speech’’ ??
Any response is accepted
i cant say i have poverty of thought
speech yes i do have poverty most definitely
its like i have many worlds in my head but cant express
im currently thinking about reading books for that matter
to get a grip on structure of a word craftsmanship
written and spoken too
cause i didnt find any med or sup for that
can you read books?
Yesss, I can read books, but I find a hard time organizing my tasks, I have not much to do but I think it’s due procastination that I don’t find a moment for read a book, and I could start and don’t finish the book, but I hope that soon, when I start the therapy I can find the motivation to finish a book, maybe it improve my thoughts ? I hope… !
hope? no…
for me its a distant possibility to fix myself and get better overall
its a despairing move by me
current meds just dont touch the issue
well i can read too i mean i can sustain attention for periods of time (not too long though)
but i never start reading procrastinating instead
motivational anhedonia? consumatory anhedonia? avolition? …? i dont know and dont care anymore haha
Distant possibility? What do you refer with this? That is good or not ??
Yes I too think that I can maintin my attention for periods of time because I’m able to whatch tv, but I find a hard time for distance myself from the phone, what is a big problem for my and my valious time (I hope therapy help with that too).
When I said procastination I mean that I think in doing something or is in my mind-list about tasks to do, but I always leave it for more later and then I don’t do anything, instead of it I take my phone or go with some friend that absorbs me, if not I’m oversleeping.
For example I want to call a psycologist since 2 months ago, and most of days I wake up with the thought of call her during the day, and it’s been 2 months yet, it’s disgusting, so YES or YES I will call her on Monday, because I think therapy could do good things to me seeing my currently situation.
I hope my english don’t be too horrible for you, I’m doing it the best I can
everything is possible but some things are unlikely
…so is my effort to fix brain by reading books
thats why i say its a distant possibility
i procrastinate too i know how it looks
constant delays doing almost nothing whole day etc
i wanted to ask you how does it look to have poverty of thought?
and your english is perfect unlike mine
Just that… I used to be another way in my past and I remember when I feelt myself normal, in my mind used to be always thoughts, ideas, things to do, things to say and share, memories that came to my mind… Now I have not any of that… Very poor thoughts and insight of the things in life… I don’t know if you understandme.
Your english is fine for me too
Speaking socially came easier to me after I started taking Gabapentin. A couple of people have agreed with me but it’s not what it’s prescribed for.
i understand this
Interesting. I’ll talk to my doctor about this med. In fact, I created a topic about alogia and @Jimbob told me about this med. Unfortunately, I can’t find any study about it.
Anyway, psychotherapy can help with alogia (poverty of speech).
I know… And how you get it ?
Do you feel similary ?
Haldol made my head so empty others were making fun of me for being so silent.
i have some symptoms you have and some are different
its like putting sentences together and words in those sentences together is so challenging
and i have averagely above the average iq so its not that im plain dumb
i do have bursts of verbal fluency when on dopaminergics but it never comes off completely fine
I’m just in antidepressants, day 11 have my following appointment
At first it was prescribed to me for post surgical nerve pain by my GP. When I told my psychiatrist about it he went along with it and prescribed it along with my AP after the surgery pain had ended.
taking a break or a vacation helps with poverty of speech as I beleive it helps in reducing the effects of not sleeping at night and then sleeping well preferably before 9 pm helps. I once tried heavy doses of b vitamins
particularly niacin/niacinamide and it did help . speech forming in my brain but when it came to my mouth
i struggled a lot this seemd to help but the doses were very high so i decided to stop after 3 months .luckily the effect remained .
indecisive. just try to write or type your thoughts/feelings ideas etc. wherever you can and you will find that the speech will soon follow.
i tried it and it worked.
Yes I completely understand this feeling. It is the worst.