Post Your Fave Old Commercials

I always liked the Old Navy ads…forever upbeat.

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That nair commercial is 5yrs before I was born lol @Patrick

English Leather works for some women.

Mainly because it makes you smell like a wallet.



I wrote a beer commercial once but never pitched it.

A guy snaps open a can of Coors and Barbara Eden appears out of a mist and offers him 3 wishes.

Dude: “I wanna be rich, famous, and I want all of the women to love me!”

Genie: “Okay Master!”

Dream Sequence:

The guy is staring at his own body up and down on a dance floor…pan out and he’s Richard Simmons! Pan to the crowd and all of these big women are yelling “I love you Rich!!”

Then he says "Oh, what the hell…c’mon people!!..and starts dancercizing to the music.

Genie giggles at the end of the ad.

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Get out 'dem sneks Sir Level.

:hippopotamus: :hippopotamus: :hippopotamus:

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You were born before 1988? I thought you were young.

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hippos are grazing on da sneks


Im born in 1987 so old :sob::sob:

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Explains those pinchable baby cheeks.


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I’m so old ‘getting lucky’ means finding my car at the grocery store!

(Born in 1966)

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lol this is not too old but it never leaves my mind



Ok so you were one year old in that 1988 commercial. I thought you were over 10-12y.o. as you remember this commetcial.

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Yeah i was just a baby lol but i seen that commercial growing up


I guess they kept it for many years, weird.

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Remember this one?

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