This is me and my wife at my nephew’s christening back in the day.
Hmm…we didn’t look too bad in our 30’s.
This is me and my wife at my nephew’s christening back in the day.
Hmm…we didn’t look too bad in our 30’s.
Nice picture man! @Patrick
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. With all due respect, your wife is a looker!
I always tell you youngins to ‘click away’ with that camera when you are in your prime…cause you can sure get fat and old in a hurry!
I got asked for ID at the Beer Store when I was 41!
After 15 years of Abilify injections?
The clerk at the Thrift Store asked me if I was a senior for the discount. (age 60).
Once when i was working at 7-11 an older lady in her late 60s said she wanted smokes and i said im gonna have to see some i.d.
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