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So cute. i love birds!!!


That is a stellar crow painting— it’s super nice @Jonnybegood :dizzy:


Yours is so cute too :laughing: but ya mine is cool too. May be a raven??? It just says Raptor on the back. But definitely its a member of the corvid family. Ravens and crows are super-alike. Just ravens are bigger and even more intelligent than crows who are real smart too. I used to work at a nature center with a rescued crow and a rescued raven and I loved them. I even wrote my first book it was called “The Raven who killed” with lotsa symbolism to the raven.

One thing I learned about crows and ravens is they’re capable of “theory of mind”. The only bird capable of attributing the capacity to understand other people (or animals) by ascribing mental states to them

Crows can do a lot of cool things like dropping nuts into traffic so the cars run them over, then they can go eat whats inside the shells.


That is super cool— working at a nature center must have been awesome, getting to hang with animals all day :sweat_smile: :sloth: Also, the title of your book sounds like it’s one of those good thriller rides, haha :+1:

That is remarkable for sure— Theory of Mind is not the easiest concept, and even some humans tend to have difficulties with applying it.

Ha! That’s awesome! It’s kinda like chimpanzees using twigs as tools, or sea otters using rocks to crack open shellfish and things :bulb: :brain:


Yep this is true. I believe I was very lacking in theory of mind until I was 23 when I had an experience in the woods where I heard an owl. Then after that I tried putting myself in everyone else’s shoes. Like i would be in a room with somebody and I put my mind inside their body (or tried to). It wasn’t healthy and lead to a great deal of depersonalization when i mixed the mindset with other bad lifestyle choices.

Certainly the owl had enlightened me some, hence why its my spirit animal. We had owls too at the nature center btw. But I also paid the price for this discovery of mine :laughing:. I even wrote about it in the same book. But later I didn’t like the writing so much so I deleted it from kindle.


That’s absolutely amazing!!! Great work :grinning:


Thanks @Jonnybegood @POET :slight_smile:


My newest work. I used to draw a lot of furry art when I was growing up, but kind of got tired of it and didn’t draw it for a looooong time… But I have a character that is dear to me and she will always have a special space on my heart. Her name is Inhix.

This is watercolour, ink and pens on tinted paper. There’s metallic shimmer watercolour in there as well.


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